Two Writers Did a Hilarious Deconstruction of Horror Movies On Twitter Last Night – Gizmodo

Jason Voorhees is an obvious inspiration for this great Twitter convo. Image: Paramount

On a night where the world was focused on health care, two genre authors decided to go in the opposite direction. They joked about and discussed a genre best known for death: horror.

Last night, authors Sam Sykes (The Mortal Tally, An Affinity for Steel) and Chuck Wendig (Star Wars: Aftermath, Blackbirds) had a long Twitter conversation thats a must-read. To say more than we already have would ruin some of the fun. Heres the first tweet. Click it and enjoy the 60-plus-part back-and-forth.

If you dont want to do that, heres the super basic gist of what happens on the thread. The help Sykes is asking for is that hes in the woods and people around him are dying. Wendig first assumes hes a victim in a horror movie but then realizes Sykes is, in fact, the killer. Then he has to tell him that, as the killer in a horror movie, hes going to die. Sykes takes the news pretty well but tries to get around it. The whole time, Wendigs logical act slams Sykes innocent views in really discouraging yet extremely funny ways.

Heres an interview we did with the pair a few years ago.

Chuck Wendig and Sam Sykes are two fantasy authors who've been leaving their mark on the

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Two Writers Did a Hilarious Deconstruction of Horror Movies On Twitter Last Night - Gizmodo

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