Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Hidden Details About The Library You Never Noticed – Screen Rant

The library was an important location and frequent haunt of Buffy Summers and her friends, despite being situated directly above the Hellmouth. The Scooby gang used the library as their base of operations whilst fighting evil for three seasons, before its fiery destruction in the season three finale.

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The library was a staple location of the earlier seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. It symbolized the outcasts of the school coming together and complemented the coming-of-age themes that underlined the show's earlier seasons - and has an interesting repertoire of trivia of its own. Here are ten hidden details about the library in Buffy The Vampire Slayer you didn't notice.

Buffy Summers arrives in Sunnydale prepared to put her life as a Slayer behind her, but with the gateway to Hell located underneath the town, that was never going to happen. The library is directly above the Hellmouth, making it a hotspot for supernatural activity.

Ironically, the seemingly safest place in school is the most dangerous. The Scooby gang uses the library as a base of options to fight evil, all whilst standing over the doorway to evil itself.

Fans will remember the Master attempting to open the Hellmouth in season one as well as the Mayor's nearly successful reign of terror in season three. However, the Hellmouth was also opened during season three's "The Zeppo" - though it wasn't the focus of the episode.

The near-destruction of the world takes a backseat during the episode, appearing only in brief scenes. Instead, Xander takes center stage as he embarks on a solo journey that sees him fight a zombie and lose his virginity to Faith.

The library at Sunnydale High School had a convenient cage that came in useful for characters such as Oz, hyena-possessed Xander, and Vampire Willow. It's intended use was for book returns, though like the rest of the library, rarely saw any interaction with the other students at the school.

It is a plot convenience that nobody visited the library, or questioned the durable cage in the corner. The cage itself is an impressive structure capable of holding a werewolf during a full moon.

The library was destroyed along with the rest of the high school in season three of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. The Mayor's ascension opens the Hellmouth, though Buffy saves the day by destroying her former base of operations with explosives.

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Sunnydale High School was later rebuilt and so was the library. The Hellmouth was no longer situated directly underneath it after its reconstruction and is instead underneath Principal Wood's office.

The library at Sunnydale High had an interesting layout. The room was structured in an octagonal shape with a red line painted on the floor defining its shape, with a balcony and second story of books.

The octagonal shape is interesting as it reflects the Hellmouth situated underneath. The mystical gateway may have influenced the people who designed and constructed it unknowingly.

Before its destruction in the season three finale, the library was the frequent haunt and base of operations for the Scooby gang. Buffy and her friends used the guise of 'studying' to work with Watcher and librarian Rupert Giles and fight against the forces of evil.

The gang has utilized other notable settings as their base of operations, including Buffy's house and the Magic Box. However, the library remains their longest-running haunt and a vital part of the Buffyverse.

Critics have praised the use of the library as the gang's regular haunt in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Some claim that it symbolizes the importance of growing and learning as well as the value of knowledge.

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This is a poignant piece of symbolism as Buffy is, in many ways, a coming-of-age story. The characters grow from unsure teenagers to accomplished heroes, saving the world more than once.

The library is an important location in the Buffyverse. It is where Buffy and Giles first met and the gang came together, as well as being located directly above the gateway to hell.

Due to its destruction in the season three finale, the library and the rest of the high school was the first set to be retired whilst filming. Despite being destroyed, rebuilt and destroyed again, its legacy in the Buffyverse lives on.

The library is not the only notable location in the Buffyverse to meet a fiery end. Other bases of operations such as the Magic Box, Buffy's house and Wolfram & Hart were also destroyed in a final battle pitting the main characters against the forces of evil.

The library was destroyed twice, both times by the Hellmouth. It was destroyed by Buffy to prevent the Mayor from ascending and then in the season seven finale which saw Spike sacrifice himself to defeat the First Evil and close the Hellmouth.

The library had a book for every occasion and every evil. It was a running gag throughout the show, with many fans and critics noting how there was a book to provide exposition on every demonic entity that the Scooby gang encountered.

This complements the theme of the library teaching Buffy and her friends about the value of knowledge. It is also vital in progressing the narrative in the earlier seasons of Buffy as, without the library, the gang would be lost.

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Leah Flavell is a freelance writer currently living in Leicester, originally from Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. She graduated from the University of Wolverhampton with a degree in Creative Writing and Film Studies and is currently completing a master's course in Creative Writing at De Montfort University. She contributes content to The Sportster, Screen Rant, CBR, and YourDogAdvisor, as well as writing additional fictional material.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Hidden Details About The Library You Never Noticed - Screen Rant

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