No character on The Vampire Diaries made it through without getting their hands at least a little bit dirty. But it's safe to say out of all them, Bonnie Bennett had a rough go of it, always drawing the short straw. Time and again she was used, abused and taken for granted, especially by those she called her best friends.
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But Bonnie was not perfect. She made her fair share of mistakes and sometimes her emotions got the best of her, reacting to the chaos around her. Here are the 10 worst things Bonnie ever did on the series, ranked.
At the beginning of the series, Bonnie encouraged Elena to flirt with the mysterious new stranger Stefan Salvatore. But when her powers began to manifest and she got a cold, dark feeling from him, she quickly changed her tune. She unknowingly tapped into the magic that made Stefan a vampire.
Without knowledge of the supernatural, she judged him based on a simple feeling. When Elena started dating Stefan, Bonnie avoided him and acted coldly towards him. Elena had to intervene and invite them to a dinner party to bond.
By the time Caroline turned into a vampire and accidentally ate the cute guy Bonnie talked to at the carnival, it was all too much for the Bennett witch. She didn't hate Caroline, but she had a hard time reconciling her feelings toward vampires now that her closest friend was one.
While she used her powers to help Damon and Stefan track Mason and the moonstone, she avoided Caroline, leaving her friend to feel abandoned and snubbed. This especially hurt as it coincided withSheriff Forbes learning Caroline's secret.
When Bonnie started to gain her powers, she had a hard time controlling them along with her emotions. During a school car wash, when a mean girl pushed her around and insulted her, Bonnie lost her temper. She first envisioned a water hose going haywire and splashing water all over the mean girl, and much to her delight it came true.
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But when she fell into a daze and imagined a fire blowing up a car,she freaked when that also came to pass. She learned her fantasies of vengeance came with consequences.
Granted Damon had the attack coming, but at that moment Bonnie took her anger out on the wrong guy. She blamed him for every bad thing that happened to her up to that point, including her best friend Caroline getting turned into a vampire and killing one of the carnival workers she'd had a spark with.
Damon deserved the major headache she caused with her magic, but she did it for the wrong reasons that time. Though better she took her rage out on Damon than on Caroline.
Bonnie's actions aren't always entirely her own. Often she is used as a vessel for others to do their dirty work. In the case of taking on the Huntress Curse, the Bennett witch becomes a stone-cold killer with a vendetta against all vampires, including her friends and boyfriend Enzo.
Matt intervenes, trying to keep her from killing Damon and Enzo to save his friend from her guilt. But the curse takes its hold and she knocks Matt unconscious to get to the vampires she feels compelled to kill.
One fateful Founders' Day leads to drawn lines and loyalties tested. Damon gets captured and left in a burning building along with other supernatural beings. Stefan, believing Damon's soul can still be saved, enters the building to save his brother.
But theplan was meant to kill violentsupernaturals. Bonnie has no love for Damon and is willing to let him burn for the greater good. In the end, Elena's pleas break her down and she lets Stefan through, but it strains their friendship further.
Under Cade's spell, Stefan kills Enzo, the love of Bonnie's life. The cure was meant for Enzo to live a mortal life with her, but with his death, Bonnie takes vengeance at the moment and turns Stefan back to a human. She doesn't make the choice simply out of self-preservation, but out of revenge.
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She knows that with his humanity returned, Stefan will feel the overwhelming remorse of killing Enzo and be left vulnerable to attack. It's a complicated situation as Stefan is set to marry Caroline.
Bonnie makes the ultimate sacrifice to resurrect Jeremy from death, trading her life for his. But it's a bittersweet reunion for the two, as Jeremy is left with the power to see ghosts and Bonnie's soul wanders the Other Side.
Meanwhile, she's not ready to admit she's dead, so she asks Jeremy to lie to her friends. The whole summer and the first couple of weeks of college they believe she's visiting her dad out of state. All the while, Jeremy is burdened with the truth and unable to bring her back.
The Mystic Falls gang succeeds in killing Klaus Mikaelson, but the consequences include Tyler's death, as he is the hybrid's sire. While everyone is resigned to this sad turn of events, Bonnie takes matters into her own hands. She strikes a deal with the Original and agrees to transfer his spirit into Tyler's body so that her friend will live.
But she also struck the deal to save her mother, as Klaus's bloodline ran through Abby Bennett's veins. Though she had the right motivation, it still violated her friends' trust.
Desperate to regain her magic after losing her powers for a time, Bonnie turned to Expression, a form of magic Professor Shane from Whitmore College introduced her to. Despite her grandmother's warnings from beyond and the clear damage it did to her mind, Bonnie continued practicing Expression to help her friends.
They didn't want her succumbing to a dark path on their behalf, but Bonnie didn't just do it for them. She wanted to stop feeling powerless and be a witch again. Shane used her but Bonnie went against her better judgment.
NEXT:The Vampire Diaries: 5 Reasons Why Kai Is The Best Villain (& 5 Why It's Klaus)
NextThe Vampire Diaries: 10 Quotes That Will Stick With Us Forever
Meagan Cahuasqui is a Latinx writer, poet, traveler, and reader. She holds a B.A. in creative writing from UCF and an M.B.A. in marketing from NSU. When shes not engaged in the aforementioned activities, she can be found yelling and crying at her TV over fictional people that break her heart.
See more here:
The Vampire Diaries: The 10 Worst Things Bonnie Has Ever Done, Ranked - Screen Rant
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