Upcoming Documentary ‘The Last Blockbuster’ Will Provide a Nostalgic Trip Back to the Video Store [Trailer] – Bloody Disgusting

While many assume that Blockbuster has gone completely off the map, with not a single location left in the world, thats not exactly true. Even still here in 2020, there is ONE Blockbuster store that has remained open through the complete annihilation of the video store, and its located in Bend, Oregon. Fittingly, the store is known as The Last Blockbuster.

That final remaining Blockbuster store in the world will be profiled in the documentary The Last Blockbuster, which has adjusted its tracking and released its trailer today.

The Last Blockbuster is a fun, nostalgic look back at the era of video rentals and the story of how one small town video store managed to outlast a corporate giant. The film follows the manager of the worlds last remaining Blockbuster video (located in Bend, OR), Sandi Harding, as she navigates the difficult task of keeping a video rental store open in the era of Netflix.

The trailer for Taylor Mordens documentary, which youll find below, promises not only a trip to the titular location but also an overlook at the rise and fall of the Blockbuster franchise.

Why are we spotlighting the doc on a horror website? In the interest of full disclosure, the movie business is on lock-down at the moment and thats giving us very little horror movie news to report on. But more importantly, Blockbuster played an integral part in my own history with the horror genre, dating back to my childhood. Long before the days of streaming, it was my local Blockbuster that introduced me to the horror genre my earliest memories of being a horror fan, in fact, are those memories of standing in awe at the stores massive horror section, loaded with sun-faded box art that featured all sorts of monsters, mayhem and madmen. I fell in love with it all, and thats why Im here today writing about those movies for a living.

In any event. Slow news day. Need content. Enjoy the trailer below!

Pop Motion Pictures will be releasing the documentary later this year.

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Upcoming Documentary 'The Last Blockbuster' Will Provide a Nostalgic Trip Back to the Video Store [Trailer] - Bloody Disgusting

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