Net Worth Crash: 14 Roles That Sank Lindsay Lohans Career – TheThings

Many of us have fond memories of Lindsay Lohan because we recall watching the adorable and charming filmThe Parent Trapwhen we were kids. The story of Hallie and Annie learning that they are twins is super sweet and this is one remake that really works.

But unfortunately, in the years and decades since, Lindsay Lohan hasn't really kept the same kind of momentum going in her career. We would expect the actress to be crazy rich since she was once such a big star, butCheat Sheetsays that Lindsay Lohan has a net worth of $800,000. When we take a look at the types of projects that she has taken on recently, we can see that she hasn't been raking in the dough.

Lindsay Lohanhas been in some movies and had some TV roles that didn't make her a lot of money. Keep reading to find out which ones have contributed to her low net worth.

There was a bit of chatter about the 2013 movieThe Canyonsince there have been many moments when Lindsay Lohan was supposed to have a comeback and this film got a bit of press.

It didn't do her any favors, though, as it wasn't good... and theNew York Timesarticle called "Here Is What Happens When You Cast Lindsay Lohan In Your Movie" didn't help since it talked about her on-set antics.

It's fair to say that the 2012 TV movie,Liz & Dick,wasn't watched by many of us and maybe we didn't even know that it existed.

It tells the story of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor's romance and got really bad reviews.Entertainment Weeklysaid in their article, "Lindsay Lohan did Elizabeth Taylor wrong."

Lindsay Lohanmay be a talented actress, but that talent wasn't on display in the movieI Know Who Killed Me. This is widely considered one of the worst movies ever, and no one can really talk about it with a straight face. It has a veryconfusingplot and is about twins.

Pulse.boxofficepro.comsays thatGeorgia Ruleonly made $18.92 million at the box office, which definitely isn't very much considering how much money popular films can gross in even a single weekend. We can definitely say that thismovie didn't help the actress make more money, either.

Ever since Lindsay Lohan's MTV reality series featuring her beach club was announced, we can definitely say that it seemed like it would be a disaster. It was just so awkward to watch the drama on this show and it didn't paint Lindsay or anyone else in a very good light.

We might not even remember that there was aScary Movie5in general, and we definitely don't recall that Lindsay Lohan was in it. This movie came out in 2013 and it's oneof her least memorable roles. It's fair to say that this is another role thatcontributed to her empty bank account.

It's also fair to say that the fact that Lindsay Lohan was in one episode of2 Broke Girlsdidn't help her financial situation. Unlike starring on a popular TV series that gives you a big salary for several years, taking on a role for one episode won't really do much for your bank account.

Sure, Lindsay Lohan had a role in one episode of the sitcomAnger Management, but did this do great things for her reputation? We would say probably not.

The actress was in a season two episode called "Charlie Gets Lindsay Lohan Into Trouble" and the storyline revolves around the two of them becoming intimate when he's supposed to be her anger management counselor.

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Did 2019'sAmong The Shadows reallyneed to be made?

It doesn't seem like it because it's about werewolves and it is just so awkward. Lindsay Lohan had a role in this film, and we have to say that it's one of the projects she has taken on in recentyearsthat hasn't helped her reputation or her money situation.

When Lindsay Lohan was in theEastbound and Downfinale, she was someone who had just gotten out of rehab... so we can say that this didn't really help her image.

This seems like another role that the actress has taken on that has contributed to her net worth crash.

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Did we know that Lindsay had a role in a movie calledInAPPropriate Comedy?

It was released in 2013 and the reviews were really poor. For instance, whenThe New York Timesreviewed it, they said, "Sometimes a movie is so awful that the word awful is not up to the task of conveying its awfulness. The awful InAPPropriate Comedy is such a movie. It is memorably awful. It is stunningly awful."

We might not have heard of a short film calledTill Human Voices Wake Us, so we didn't know that Lindsay Lohan was in this.

It was released in 2015 and according to itsIMDbpage, it's about a myth from the Celtics aboutSelkies who are maidens but also seals if they get into water. Um, what?! We're not sure what this movie is really about.

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No one was entertained by the movieChapter 27since the real life story of how John Lennon was killed is so tragic and hard to process. It's not exactly fun to watch how it all went down (even if it's a fictional account). It's not great that Lindsay was in this movie, either.

Pretending to be pregnant isn't really funny, so it's no wonder that the movieLabor Painswas super awkward.

Lindsay Lohan starred in this movie and that didn't help her career... not one bit. It's easy to see that these roles that she decided to playhave contributed to the crash of her net worth.

NEXT:20 Photos That Prove How Much Lindsay Lohan Has Changed

Next10 Roles Keanu Reeves Turned Down (And 5 He Was Rejected For)

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Net Worth Crash: 14 Roles That Sank Lindsay Lohans Career - TheThings

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