Blood Sucking Freaks: Every Accident & Death Associated With The Horror Movie – Screen Rant

Directed by Joel M. Reed, a director also known for his work in the adult film industry, Blood Sucking Freaks is a 1976 exploitation-splatter film known for its over-the-top gore, sexuality, and torture combined with a light, sardonic tone. It has the unique ability to flip back and forth between being a serious horror film with sexual overtones and a campy parody of torture porn. The plot follows a bizarre theatre director who kidnaps women and forces them into sexual slavery and bizarre torture.

First titled Sardu: Master of the Screaming Virgins while it was being shot, the film was later re-named The Incredible Torture Show during its original theatrical run, but was completely panned by audiences and critics alike who called it a total gross-out. Later, the film gained a minor cult following after being picked up by Troma Entertainment and rebranded asBlood Sucking Freaks.

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However, it wasnt just Tromas distribution that drew audiences to the film. Three of Blood Sucking Freaks actorsdied violent deaths not long after its release, and another died of semi-natural causes shortly after as well. This brought a certain notoriety to the production, making it a cult classicas audiences speculated that the film might be cursed.

On the first episode of The Last Drive-In, Season 2, Joe Bob Briggs and Chris Jericho watch Blood Sucking Freaks, during which Joe Bob explains the so-called "Curse of the Blood Sucking Freaks". More than a few cast members who appear in the B-list horror flick died young, accidentally, or with this film as the last in their repertoire.The film follows Sardu, a theatre director who has a unique company in SoHo that specializes in shows that feature horror and sexual sadism.

The first notable death of the curse was the infamous leader of the torturous performing art show, Sardu, played by Seamus O'Brien. OBrien was a Shakespearean-trained actor known for several roles in a variety of stage and off-broadway productions. He was attacked in his New York City apartment when he walked in on a robbery in progress. The burglar stabbed him to death, and he passed away at only forty-five years old.The second violent and accidental death of a Blood Sucking Freaks cast member was that of Viju Krem, the actress who played famed ballerina Natasha Di Natalie. Out on a hunting trip with her husband, Krem allegedly stepped unknowingly in front of her husbands rifle and was killed by an accidental shot to the head. She passed away in 1983.

Luis de Jesus, the actor who played Sardus sadistic assistant Ralphus, passed away in 1988 of heart failure, a condition that is common in people with dwarfism, but is also common for alcoholics, which he was for most of his life. The actor performed in a number of films, including numerous adult films,and even landed a roleas an Ewok in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. Another actor,Alphonso DeNoble, passed away shortly after filming this movie. Most well-known for playing the cat-loving landlord in Alfred Sole's 1976 horror film,Alice, Sweet Alice, DeNoble was a victim of suicide, passing away in 1978. Blood Sucking Freaks was his last picture.

Accidents happen all the time, and perhaps since actors are more well-known, people attribute more significance to their deaths than those of everyone else. However, so many actors from one film dying young coupled with Shudders recent release of Cursed Films, make a strong case that OBrien, Krem, de Jesus, and DeNoble passed away due to some sort of curse associated with their work. While Blood Sucking Freaks is certainly a strange and grotesque piece, its definitely worth a watch, even if only once.

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Certified horror addict and linguistics nerd, Maisy has been watching, reading, and reviewing horror since she was old enough to get a library card. She is most often found hiding in the woods with her nose in a book, usually horror or weird fiction, or in her bedroom snuggling with her husband and many pets while watching horror movies or playing Skyrim - usually both.Elusive and rarely out in public, Maisy can usually be baited with cheese, punk rock, or the promise of a rousing discussion on sociolinguistics and dialectology, though she has sometimes been known to come out to explore local parks, zoos, and distilleries on occasion.

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Blood Sucking Freaks: Every Accident & Death Associated With The Horror Movie - Screen Rant

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