Mum reveals son, 3, left lifeless like a zombie after battle with Kawasaki disease symptoms linked to cor – The Sun

A MUM says her three-year-old son was reduced to a "lifeless zombie" while battling terrifying Kawasaki disease symptoms.

Chloe Knight, 22, from Edinburgh shared little Freddie Merrylees' story as the NHS issued a warning about the mysterious new "coronavirus-related" condition.




Little Freddie first fell ill just before lockdown, experiencing a rash all over his body and a high fever.

Chloe took him to the doctors who said it was likely a case of Scarlett Fever - a contagious illness caused by Streptococcus, usually manifested in a rash and a high fever.

But Chloe said even after being given some meds, Freddie still wasn't his usual hyper self.

She said: "At first when the rash appeared I din't think it was anything too bad...but [over time] I was concerned it was something a lot worse."

After another trip to the doctors with no improvement, Freddie's parents took him to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, but were told Freddie's illness was still just a "bad case" of Scarlett Fever, and he'd be better in a few days.

But just days later the three year old had deteriorated into a "zombie"-like condition and the youngster's nose was bleeding "out of nowhere".

Chloe said: "The whites of his eyes were bright red, it just seemed like there was no life to him."

Freddie was again taken to Edinburgh's Sick Kids hospital where a nurse was satisfied that because Freddie was responding, he would soon be fine.

But Chloe felt something wasn't right.

She said: "When youre a mum you know your child and know when theres something not right at all."

Speaking to the Edinburgh Evening News, Chloe added: I started crying because I felt like it was something a lot more.





NHS doctors have been told to watch out for signs of an 'inflammatory syndrome' in kids, after a rise in cases of the new condition.

Health chiefs said in an alert to GPs the signs include:

The mysterious condition has been compared to toxic shock syndrome and Kawasaki disease.

The signs of TSS are:

Signs of Kawaski disease include:

"He was just lifeless, like a zombie, there was nothing there.

"Anyone who knows Freddie would know hes the most hyper little boy something was wrong."

The following day, Freddie's rash had spread to his face and Chloe returned again to the hospital, where this time they were kept in for a week.

Chloe said at the time her toddler son looked "horrendous," with doctor's suspecting he had come down with extremely rare Kawasaki disease that affects just eight in 100,000 children.

However, parents have recently come forward to share their terrifying experiences of youngster's battles with the terrifying symptoms - with fears the disease is linked to coronavirus.

It was the worst week of my life

Around the same time Freddie fell ill, Chloe had experienced coronavirus-like symptoms, including a lack of taste and smell - but just assumed she had a normal cold.

Neither Freddie nor Chloe were tested for the deadly flu, nor was Freddie officially tested for Kawasaki disease, but doctors are currently investigating the link between the two.

Medics in Italy and the UK fear there could be a link between Kawaski disease, which mainly targets children under five, and coronavirus.

Doctor's discovered the valves around Freddie's heart had swollen, and that he had a heart murmur - classic signs of the deadly Kawasaki disease.

Medics said the murmur could have been pre-existing, or it could have developed as part of the symptoms Freddie was experiencing.

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Luckily, Freddie is on the mend now, but Chloe added Freddie's battle was "the worst week of my life".

She said: "Freddie has had his fair share of hospital visits but this was nothing like this week we had.

"Please stay home, save lives and protect the NHS."



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Mum reveals son, 3, left lifeless like a zombie after battle with Kawasaki disease symptoms linked to cor - The Sun

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