Donald Trump Believes The Novel Coronavirus is a Fancy Way of Saying Vampire – TBK Magazine

Transylvania DC (TBK) President Donald Trump is looking to ease social distancing guidelines as he pushes for the country to reopen. Over the past few weeks, the president spoke about remedies for COVID-19 that could be game changers that turned out to be more like a roll of snake eyes. Studies have shown Hydroxychloroquine to not be as effective against the novel coronavirus as he once touted. Two weeks ago, Trump suggested the possible injections of disinfectant and bleach to possibly clean the body. But late tomorrow night, we received intelligence from an individual on the inside of the Trump White House.

The confidential intel touts one treatment the president talked about for a brief few seconds before discussing the idea about using disinfectant. President Trump believes that sunlight and UV light will stop to spread of COVID-19. The president is also eating more garlic seasoning on his food and is carrying around a wooden stake. Trump is on record in these closed door meetings discussing the lamestream media coverup of COVID-19 and how the virus turns individuals into vampires.

COVID-19 or MAKER-19 as the term the White House uses behind closed doors, causes a person to sleep more during the day. The virus does not like sunlight. Garlic can reduce a persons blood pressure and also cause the blood to not smell as appealing to a vampire. This would also explain why the CDC and The WHO is telling the world population to cough like a vampire.

President Trump believes the economy will bounce back because of the sell of Silver. Silver is known to injure vampires.

Trump is also afraid that if this knowledge leaked to the American people that a teenage girl living in the town of Sunnydale could possibly hurt his reelection chances.

We reached out to the White House for comment but received no response.

We will have more on this story as information becomes available. Stay informed with TBK Magazine. Your second or third choice in Headlie coverage.

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Donald Trump Believes The Novel Coronavirus is a Fancy Way of Saying Vampire - TBK Magazine

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