Original Action-Horror Zombie Movie ‘The Clearing’ Takes a Bite Out of Crackle This June [Exclusive Trailer] – Bloody Disgusting

Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainments Crackle Plus has announced today the upcoming pre-summer premiere of original action-horror film The Clearingon June 4th, 2020.

Were debuting the action-packed trailer for The Clearing here on BD today, which promises fun zombie entertainment while were bored and stuck at home. Youll find it below.

The movie, only available onCracklebeginning June 4th, starsLiam McIntyre(Spartacus) as a father who takes his daughter, played byAundrea Smith(Diary of a Future President),on a weekend camping trip during a mysterious disease outbreak. The film also starsSydelle Noel(G.L.O.W.)andSteven Swadling(Kickboxer).

Set at the dawn of a zombie apocalypse,The Clearingunfolds amid tensions between Tom (McIntyre) and his wife (Sydelle Noel) over his parental responsibilities and the time he spends with his young daughter Mira (Smith). Tom takes Mira on a camping trip, only to discover the impending disaster that leaves the pair trapped in a clearing in the woods, fighting to make it out alive.

The Clearing marks writer-director David Matalons feature directorial debut, and he says his goal was to pay homage to zombie tropes while putting his own spin on the sub-genre.

For the segment of our audience that loves zombie movies,The Clearingfollows in the footsteps of our other horror offerings,suchasOffice Uprisingand theDead Risingfilm series, said Philippe Guelton, President ofCracklePlus. This film will deliver an action-packed distraction that our fans are craving right now.

As a partner exclusive, the film will debut on May 25 on theCrackleChannel on Amazon Fire TV devices, available for early access in 34 million U.S. homes.

Crackleis available on Amazon FireTV, RokuTV and devices, Apple TV, most Smart TVs (Samsung, LG, Vizio), Gaming Consoles (PS4 and XBoxOne), on iOS and Android mobile devices and on desktop atCrackle.com.

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Original Action-Horror Zombie Movie 'The Clearing' Takes a Bite Out of Crackle This June [Exclusive Trailer] - Bloody Disgusting

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