10 Funniest Post-Credits Scenes On Rick And Morty | ScreenRant – Screen Rant

From Jerry's answering machine to an Albert Einstein cameo, here are the 10 funniest post-credits scenes from Rick and Morty.

Rick and Mortyis a series with one of the most unique comedic palates TV has ever known. Its sense of humor may not cater to every audience member, but with various comedic stylings ranging from blunt to surreal, it's certainly entertaining.Some of the show's most underrated sequences all happened in the post-credit scenes ending each episode.

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Some might hit the mark better than others, but viewers who stick around will often always be rewarded with something hysterical. Have a look at these ten post-credit scenesthat conclude the adventures of Rick and Morty.

Some of the best bits from the show always come at the expense of Jerry Smith. The guy is practically the butt of 85% of the show's jokes.

While an answering machine from the '80s might be a little outdated, for someone like Jerry it's perfectly fit.Hearing messages from Jerry's alien fling and a self-aware rental employee will definitely get a chuckle or two.

Sometimes the funniestbits are the ones that come out of nowhere. Exhibit A, the eyehole man. Essentially a violent snack food mascot with a serious case of the munchies, he'll beatthe ever-loving snot out of whoever gets between him and his precious Eyeholes.

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It's funny enough in a commercial parody, but it goes to the next level when thecharacter enters reality. The fact that his target is also Jerry just sweetens the pot.

The episode "Auto Erotic Assimilation" not only showed us Rick's love-life but the fact he can also be as vulnerable as anyone else.

Many viewers have all been through the ups and downs of a romantic relationship, but the fact that someone like Rick willingly goes out to seek Unity, pleading to take him back,providesa healthy mixture of levity with the guy's humanity.

"Raising Gazorpazorp"was one of season 1 strangest episodes, but its post-credits scene shows viewers a different type of humor. Morty goes to great lengths throughout his alien offspring's rapid-evolving lifespan to try to prevent him from giving in to his ultra-violent nature.

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Who would have thought Morty Junior would have written a tell-all book about his experience? Don't worry, Morty, you tried your best. There are worse career choices for an alien with a super-destructive core nature.

The entirety of this episode was essentially one giant mind game with various characters fighting and dying left and right, it can get a little overwhelming.

That all being said, the existential crisis is pulled out from under the viewers when it's revealed that the entire episode took place inside a toy train. To further sell the illusion, the post-credit scene gives it its commercial. A different brand of funny, but still worth a laugh.

It's a cheap laugh, but one that deserves a spot on the list.Rick definitely has a peculiar taste when it comes to romantic partners. Whether they're hive-minds, dragons, aliens, whatever, nothing compares to hooking up with a literal planet.

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This might seem like a one-time joke, but after the credits roll, we see Rick has a type. We don't know how one would find planetary bodies attractive, but PlanetsOnly.com found a way.

Isn't it great whencharacters call writers out on their mistakes?The episode begins with Rick, Summer, and Morty,on the hunt for a vampire in the school before the adventure with Tiny Rick unfolds.

The opening plot-device is brought full circle in a post-credits scene featuring a master vampire calling out Coach Feratu on his ridiculous alias. Hey, at least the guy didn't sparkle, right?

This episode is probably the most uncomfortably strange feature on the list, with promiscuous dragons, angry wizards, and mysterious talking cats, the episode has a lot going on, but everything comes full circle at the post-credits scene.

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WhenBalthromaw's walk of shame is interrupted by the talking cat, the two find solace and seemingly friendship in each other's company. When the cat mentions returning to Florida, the humor comes from what's implied rather than seen.

Watching people get beat up in comedic fashion is always grounds for laughter. Watching people who deserve it makes it even sweeter.

After a roided-up Rick and Summer wreak their vengeance on the literal devil, they proceed to repeat the process with various other offenders. Skinheads, bullies, and other scum get their comeuppance from the pair.

Sometimes the best jokes are the simplest. When the time guardians are looking to dish some beatings out on Rick for screwing up the timeline.

When they mistakenly assault Albert Einstein for "messing with time." Unbeknownst to them, they push him over the edge into developing his famous theory. Yeah, someone's getting fired.

NEXT:Rick And Morty: 10 Characters That Could Return Over The Latest Season

Next Dead To Me: 5 Times We Hated Jen (& 5 Times We Felt Bad For Her)

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