The Walking Dead actress marks 10-year anniversary of filming first episode – NME

The Walking Dead actress Addy Miller has marked 10 years since the first episode of the show was filmed.

The actress played the role of Summer, the child walker who Rick Grimes is forced to shoot in the opening moments of the premiere episode Days Gone Bye.

Miller has now posted a series of behind-the-scenes pictures to mark the occasion, including photos with co-star Andrew Lincoln and former showrunner Frank Darabont.

10 years ago today I filmed the little role that changed my life! she wrote. I am beyond lucky and thankful for everything this show has brought me. Ilove #TWDFamily and the community built around this show.

A decade later, The Walking Dead has reached its 10th season, with the planned finale recently delayed to an unconfirmed later date due to the coronavirus outbreak. The episode will be broadcast once special effects are completed, which has taken longer due to the limitations of the pandemic.

However, executive producer Greg Nicotero has assured fans that their jaws will drop when it does eventually air.

The finale picks up right where we left off, he said. There are lot of characters storylines where you get little bits of information here and you want to end that chapter and start the next chapter in the finale.

Nicotero added: It tees us up so well for season 11. That its a little agonising for me to not to be able to talk about. The last two minutes of the finale peoples jaws are gonna drop.

Read more here:
The Walking Dead actress marks 10-year anniversary of filming first episode - NME

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