10 Supernatural Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved It Follows – Screen Rant

Starring Maika Monroe, It Follows was a truly unique horror experience. To get similar supernatural thrills, check out these movie recommendations.

With the 2015 release ofIt Follows, horror fans were treated to an incredible story about teenagers being chased by a supernatural figure after having sex. This curse put on them is like an STD, a clever idea that makes It Followsone of the smartest films in the popular, beloved genre.

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While some supernatural horror movies can be cheesy and tough to take seriously,this wasn't the case withIt Follows.Anyone who enjoyed watching this film should check out more movies where somethingseriously inexplicable spooky happens. These characters struggle to get away from whatever is after them, and it's scary and fun to watch.

Hereditaryis a great, well-crafted movie for fans ofIt Follows. It involvesspirits, a seance, and a family dealing with some seriously disturbing baggage. It turns out that the family is part of a cult namedPaimon, and Annie's (Toni Collette) son, Peter (Alex Wolff), becomes the host for him.

Remove the horror elements and this is a dramatic tale about a messed-up family. Thespooky vibes will keep viewers mesmerized throughout the film's entire run time.

Just like the teens inIt Followsare cursed, Joey King's character inWish Uponis under a sort-of curse of her own.She's able to make seven different wishes because of a music box that she receives a present, yet whenever shemakes a wish, a person whom she loves is murdered.

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The idea is clearly inspired by theadage "be careful what you wish for" but it's an intriguing take on that theory.

Fans of A Nightmare on Elm Street enjoybehind-the-scenesfacts, as this groundbreaking horror film is still so powerful today.

This classicslasher is perfect for anyone who enjoyedIt Followsas both movies have a dreamy, haunting quality. Both films involve a group of teenagers who find themselves under a spooky spell that feels impossible to conquer.

Lois Duncan wrote the book I Know What You Did Last Summer,which was the basis for the 1997 movie of the same name, and the author also pennedDown A Dark Hall.

The2018movie adaptationstars AnnaSophia Robb as a girl who starts attendingBlackwood Boarding School. Unfortunately for her, the school is haunted, and the students soon become possessed. It seems like something totally out of their control, just like inIt Follows.

InThe Grudge, the characters learn that a supernatural presence follows them wherever they go, sothe movie has something major in common withIt Follows. The main concept in The Grudgeis that whena person passes awaywhile feeling an intense negative emotion, it leads to a curse.

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Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in the original film, whichwas released in 2004. A sequel came out in 2006 and a third movie was released in 2009 (but didn't appear in theaters). There was also a 2020 "sidequel" film, also calledThe Grudge.

Sometimes the scariest horror movies are adapted from booksand that's certainly true ofthe 2020film,The Turning.

Based on the Henry James taleThe Turn Of The Screw, this movie is about a governess who moves into a creepy house to take care of two children. Is something supernatural taking place, or is she crazy? This is an engrossing story for horror movie fans who are looking for a plot that can't be explained quickly. The ending isn't wrapped up in a neat little bow, just like no one really knows what will happen after the closing credits ofIt Follows.

The 2010 movieDon't Be Afraid Of The Darkis another supernatural horror movie involving characters who can't get away from evil.

Bailee Madison's character, Sally, moves into a creepy old mansion with her dad (Guy Pearce) and his new partner (Katie Holmes). Sally isn'tthrilled about her parents splitting up, but that's the least of her worries as she starts hearingmysterious noises in the house.

Written and directed byMike Flanagan,the creative mind behindThe Haunting Of Hill House,Oculusis about siblings who grew up in a wildly haunted home. They realize that there's a mirror in their house that is evil, and this is what kills their mom and dad when they're little.

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Just like the teens inIt Followscan't escape the curse, these siblings can't get away from this supernatural mirror, and it seems like this is what was supposed to happen all along. There's a sense of foreboding and dread in both stories.

It'simpossible to talk about supernatural horror movies without mentioning The Ring, which was released in 2002.

The characters inIt Followscan't get away from a curse, and the characters inThe Ringare destinedto die if they watch a video tape. Both films are beautifully shot and tough to stop thinking about for a long time after finishing.

InWhat Lies Beneath, MichellePfeiffer starts sensing a ghost in her beautiful home, and she soon discovers that her husband cheated on her with a young woman who is now haunting her.

Both this movie andIt Followsshare a similar tone as they are fairly quiet, calm stories without a lot of big reveals or jump scares. They are simply scary because there is something else out there that no one can really explain or account for.

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Aya Tsintziras writes about travel and pop culture. She loves coffee, barre classes, avocado, and watching TV. She lives in Toronto with her husband.

10 Supernatural Horror Movies To Watch If You Loved It Follows - Screen Rant

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