3 things we want to see from Father Gabriel in The Walking Dead 1016 – Undead Walking

When we were first introduced to Father Gabriel in season five ofThe Walking Dead, he was a complete and utter coward who had only survived in the apocalypse thanks to selfishness and luck. Looking at the former pastor now in season 10, its clear that Gabriel has had one of the more extensive character developments that the show has ever seen.

As the years passed in the apocalypse, Gabriel became increasingly brave, risking his life fighting to protect the people he cares about. Now, Gabriel is a proven leader who fears nobody. He isnt afraid to stand up for what he believes in or take matters into his own hands if necessary. To put it simply, Gabriel has come a long, long way from when we first met him.

With a leadership role and lots of responsibility on his plate, Gabriel will have a big role to play in episode 1016 of The Walking Dead.Lets take a look at three things we want to see from Father Gabriel inThe Walking Deads season 10 finale!

1. Step up as a leader

The Whisperer horde showing up at the hospital seemingly out of nowhere caught all of the survivors off guard. Some people were outside the hospital when the thousands of walkers showed up, while others are now trapped inside the building. Among the only people in the hospital with significant leadership experience is Father Gabriel.

With Daryl, Aaron, and Carol stranded outside, Father Gabriel is the one people are going to look to for guidance. Gabriel stepped up in recent episodes, including dealing with the traitorous Dante and saving Mary when Beta stole her away from Alexandria. We know that Gabriel has grown into a leadership role in Alexandria as the years go on, and now is the time to put those skills to the test by guiding the rest of the survivors to safety.

2. Stay away from Beta

This next wish may seem counterintuitive to the previous one. If Gabriel is going to step up as a leader, wont he eventually have to confront the leader of the enemy group? In most situations that would be true, but considering what happens to Gabriel in the comics, he should avoid Beta at all costs.

In the comic series, Gabriel dies at the hands of Beta after falling from a water tower. As cool as it would be for Gabriel to go head to head against Beta in the season finale, it would likely result in a similar fate to the comics.

That being said, weve already seen Gabriel go after Beta earlier in the season when he nearly took out the hulking Whisperer with a shotgun. Perhaps Gabriel can catch Beta off guard once again, but it would probably be best if he stays away.

3. Make sure that Rosita and Coco survive

As shes made clear throughout her time on the show, Rosita is more than capable when it comes to combat. That being said, Gabriel will still want to keep a watchful eye over her and her daughter. Even though the child may not be his biologically, we have seen that Gabriel still cares about Coco and will do everything in his power to protect her.

While Rosita would fend off basically anybody who is a threat to her daughter (just ask Dante), in a world as unpredictable as the zombie apocalypse, you can never be too careful. With a massive zombie and Whisperer horde surrounding the survivors, Gabriel needs to make sure that Rosita and Coco survive, even if it costs him his life.

Whatever happens in the season finale, Father Gabriel will certainly play a big role in how it all shakes out. As the de facto leader of the survivors stuck in the abandoned hospital, the former pastor has a lot on his plate in episode 1016.

What do you want to see from Father Gabriel inThe Walking Deadseason 10 finale? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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3 things we want to see from Father Gabriel in The Walking Dead 1016 - Undead Walking

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