What movies on Netflix are actually scary? – Netflix Life

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Finding the right horror movie can be a terrifying endeavor, and with so many great titles on Netflix from the nightmare-inducing genre to choose from, it can seem like the odds are stacked against you when looking for a chilling experience. The problem is that there are a good amount of scary movies on Netflix that arent very frightening at all.

Nobody wants to invest their time in something that doesnt hold up its end of the bargain.

Luckily, out of all the intriguing titles available, there are some that will cause you to hide under the covers or behind your couch several times before the credits roll.

With so many options to choose from, its no easy feat locating stories that can stir a persons imagination with a dark, twisted ordeal of thrills and chills. A subscriber could easily find themselves scrolling for days in search of the right scare-fest like a poor soul lost in a haunted house or hedge maze. No one would want to wish that terrible fate on anyone, but sadly it happens all too often in search of flick that will fill a person with fear like no other. Fortunately, not all hope is lost and for those out there that wish to embark upon some of the scariest cinematic endeavors Netflix has to offer, then look no further.

Check out the 25 movies on Netflix that are actually scary, starting with Creep.

Not every spine-tingling motion picture has to be an over the top, effects-driven, big-budgeted affair to petrify viewers. Sometimes less is actually more when it comes to scaring the pants off an audience. The 2014 found-footage style film Creep is a nerve-racking, claustrophobic experience with pitch-perfect tension and an eerily brilliant performance from Mark Duplass. There is no shortage of shocking twists and spine chilling surprises throughout the movies reasonable runtime.

The story is every videographers worst nightmare and showcases one of the creepiest version of a worst-case scenario when responding to an add on craigslist. Patrick Brice plays the video pro who meets up with Duplasss Josef, who claims he is dying and wants to make a video for his unborn child. But right from the start, something feels off, and that feeling aggressively expands into fear ever so slowly as the story progresses, leaving viewers on the edge of their seat to see how it all plays out. The thing that will really keep Netflix subscribers up at night is the thought that menacing evil in the film could very well be the person sitting next to you, and youd have no idea until its too late.

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What movies on Netflix are actually scary? - Netflix Life

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Reviewed and Recommended by Erik Baquero
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