Fast zombies or slow zombies? The debate rages on. Here are 5 arguments each for either one being the scariest.
The zombie has been a staple creature of horror movies for decades, but George Romero made it truly famous with his breakout hit Night of the Living Dead. Since that time, zombies have infiltrated everything from video games to television shows, and their popularity shows no signs of slowing down.
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In an effort to spice things up, many writers and directors have altered the standard slow-moving shuffler zombie by turning it into a monster that can run at tremendously high speed to chase down its victims. While that may seem to be a more terrifying prospect, there's more than meets the eye. Which type of zombie is truly more frightening?
Slow-moving zombies are much creepier and more ominous than fast zombies, specifically because both the victims and the audience are forced to come to grips with the reality of the situation. Theres time for the brain to analyze the cold bleakness of reality as the undead shamble along in slow pursuit of their next meal.
With so much time to process the experience, the human mind would involuntarily become plagued with depression and a sense of helplessness at the sheer desperation of it all. The zombie menace would be seen everywhere, rather than being concentrated in a single fast-moving swarm.
Slow zombies might be spookier, but fast zombies are much deadlier due to the inherent challenge of outrunning them. A single split-second of indecision could spell the difference between living to fight another die or dying horrifically at the hands of the undead.
The brain would have little time to process the larger scope of the situation as the body became spiked with adrenaline. Sheer flight instincts would take over in a desperate attempt to escape the ravenous hordes, and the effects would not wear off for some time.
Fast zombies are largely represented as creatures of sheer impulse rather than a testament to the downfall of society. Survivors would be able to analyze the details in each zombie and determine where these former humans came from, what they were interested in, and how they were infected.
In the end, it would be hard for the human mind to comprehend the symbolism of a planet full of the undead aimlessly shuffling forth in search of a warm-blooded meal. Imagine having to deal with that reality day in and day out.
They may be the rotting undead, but fast-moving zombies are the closest approximation of a real human due to their speed. The ability to run on sheer instinct and chase after prey would prove to be the ultimate nightmare scenario that would stick with lucky survivors.
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In contrast to the soulless husks that make up the slow shambling undead, fast zombies could spring to life at any moment and race forward like a track star, which would require a very kinetic form of human locomotion and skill.
Though many slow-moving zombies snarl and hiss at their victims, its largely a representation of their complete lack of humanity and a primary focus on feeding. Other slow zombie variants make little to no sound at all, which can be far more frightening.
With no clear trace amounts of humanity left in their rotting bodies, humans would find rationalizing their pointless hunger quite difficult. After all, theres nothing behind those dead eyes to work with except mindless instinct.
Fast zombies are far more interested in making moves without hesitating. Their need to feed kicks their bodies into overdrive and motivates them to close the gap as quickly as possible in order to secure a kill. Its a predatory instinct not unlike a jaguar pursuing an antelope through the tall grass.
With all markers of humanity purged from the body, the fast zombie becomes a bestial force of pure raw killing power that will not stop until it has been killed, or the victim escapes intact.
The general consensus people have regarding slow zombies is that their speed is a disadvantage. Its true that live humans can easily avoid, outrun and navigate around pockets of the undead, but that usually ends with a false sense of security giving way to disaster.
Because these zombies move so slow, their numbers steadily increase as they creep ever closer to their prey. Unless keen eyes are on the lookout, a cluster of zombies can soon turn into an inescapable horde that can overwhelm almost any force.
A single fast zombie is terrifying enough, but when others are alerted to the chase, the chances of survival quickly plummet. There are many variables at play in this scenario, including the speed of individual zombies in relation to one another.
Outrunning one zombie might be possible, butthe dynamics immediately shift as their numbers grow. Its also far more likely the victim will be overwhelmed by a horde that can form in seconds as opposed to minutes, or even hours as with slow-moving zombies.
Many foolhardy heroes have met their end at the hands of a zombie horde thanks to a false sense of security. While it is possible to take out several slow zombies with melee weapons or firearms, these actions draw attention away from the surroundings.
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Any fighter who believes they are victorious may soon find themselves surrounded by a horde that is rapidly closing in. Others might botch a kill and step back into an injured zombie just waiting to take a bite out of the ankle. Slow-moving zombies invite bravado, machismo and aggression, but they never reward it.
The kinds of counterattacks, battle strategies and herd management plans normally associated with slow-moving zombies never work on fast ones. The situation becomes far too chaotic, too quickly. As such, its nearly impossible to formulate a decent strategy against them.
This is especially true when traversing unfamiliar territory. With no knowledge of the land, resources or chokepoints,crafting a solid battle strategy is almost impossible. Even the most basic of plans can go to the dogsduring the first minute of a free-for-all.
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Derek's been a pop culture nut since he was a wee lad. When it's time to yell "Get off my lawn," he'll be dressed up like Kratos until the cops arrive. Derek loves contributing to both ScreenRant and TheGamer.
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5 Reasons Slow Zombies Are Scarier Than Fast Zombies (& Vice Versa) - Screen Rant
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