What horror movie scares you the most? – The A.V. Club

Clockwise from top left: Halloween (Photo: Fotos International/Getty Images); Psycho (Photo: Sunset Boulevard/Corbis/Getty Images); The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Photo: LMPC/Getty Images); The Exorcist (Photo: Warner Bros./Getty Images)Graphic: Baraka Kaseko

Most people use the terms horror movie and scary movie interchangeably. But that raises a question: Does a horror film really have to be scary? And are some scares better or more valuable than others? On this weeks episode of Film Club, critics A.A. Dowd and Katie Rife discuss these questions, as well as the horror genres regular tactics for getting under an audiences skin. They then confess which movies frighten them the most.

Because The A.V. Club office is closed for the time being, and everyone on staff is social distancing, weve recorded episode remotely. Listen to the podcast above, subscribe on iTunes, and give us a five-star rating to help other listeners find us. And while youre there, check out The A.V. Clubs other podcast, Push The The Envelope.

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What horror movie scares you the most? - The A.V. Club

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