World Beyond Just Revealed The Largest Community In The Walking Dead Universe By Far – Forbes

World Beyond

I still am trying to decide what to make of The Walking Deads new spin-off, World Beyond. My initial impression is that it is neither really good nor bad, but landing somewhere in between as mostly fine. But the longer it goes on, the more interested I am not so much in the characters (kind of a problem), but rather the larger worldbuilding that the show is revealing about The Walking Dead universe as a whole.

Things are getting confusing in TWD Land because of timeline differences. The best I can figure is that Fear the Walking Dead is a few years behind The Walking Dead, after that show went through several time skips, and The Walking Dead is a few more years behind World Beyond, which we know takes place ten full years after the zombie apocalypse began, meaning most of its cast members were mere children at the time.

But what World Beyond is doing is giving us a look at what increasingly seems like its the most important fixture in The Walking Dead universe as a whole, CRM, the Civil Republic Military, aka the Helicopter People, aka the ones who took Rick.

World Beyond

In the pilot, we saw them purge the Omaha community entirely, deeming them a future threat. But in this episode, CRM leader (lieutenant? Not sure how high up she is) Elizabeth revealed that she lives in a city apartment with power and water and even TV. The end of the episode has her stating that she does the things she does to protect the community they have of 200,000 people. Yeah, two hundred thousand people.

To put this in context of the larger Walking Dead universe, we have never seen a group even close to this size. Groups like Woodbury or the Saviors or Alexandria have never been more than maybe a few hundred, at most, maybe a thousand people.

Now, thats about to change in The Walking Dead proper, as theyre going to be introduced to comic source material group The Commonwealth which boasts 50,000 people, so much theyre even throwing things like football games again. But according to this, CRM has four times that amount, and from sneak previews of the Rick Grimes movie, it appears that their central city-base is in Philadelphia.

The Philly skyline

200,000 people, the population of a current, non-apocalypse destroyed city like Salt Lake or Baton Rogue or Tallahassee, is so massive it almost stretches the bounds of believability. Like how is a community that large and that advanced while also being this secretive? For ten years of The Walking Dead we literally have these little camps of a few dozen or hundred people doing battle with sticks and scavenged ammo, and youre telling me that somehow a community of 200,000 is out there working as a cohesive community in total secrecy? That isgenuinely hard to believe.

CRM has previously said theyre all about saving the world, which could mean finding a cure, but from this revelation, it could also just mean theyre putting society back together. I do not know just how much well find out about CRM through World Beyond, which is only slated to run 20 episodes total before ending, but it may take until the Rick Grimes movies before we know significantly more. But I have a hunch that Fear will return to CRM again, and that after The Walking Dead does its Commonwealth arc, we will see Daryl and Carols spin-off series have to do with CRM as well. I mean, setting it up as not just a mystery strike force but a huge civilian population center changes the entire nature of the Walking Dead universe. And how would it relate to another, huge-but-not-that-huge community like the Commonwealth? So many questions.

Anyway, wild times in TWD these days. Stay tuned for more next week.

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World Beyond Just Revealed The Largest Community In The Walking Dead Universe By Far - Forbes

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