Zombie-trees invading Colorado as October draws to close – OutThere Colorado

Just in time for Halloween, "Zombie Trees," as Colorado arborists call them, are invading the state due to recent snowfall and freezing cold temperatures.

The definition of a "Zombie Tree" is basically one that looks alive, but may actually be dying from the inside.

Local arborist and Davey Tree Assistant District Manager Jay Judd told 9NEWS in a recent interview that October is usually when they start receiving reports of "Zombie Trees" popping up around the state.

Signs of zombie-turning trees include dead limbs, cavities, decay, cracks, mushroomsand other fungi. While revival is possible through winter watering and pruning,there's also risk of trees falling over something that can create a dangerous situation.

Landscape assessment is also important.

"Although the first impulse may be to start cutting when a tree is damaged, homeowners should first assess the situation to avoid hurting themselves or further damaging the tree," stated Vince Urbina, urban and community forestry manager for the Colorado State Forest Service stated in a recent Facebook post.

For more information on tree care and protection, please visit csfs.colostate.edu.To find an ISA-certified arborist, visit isa-arbor.com.

Zombie-trees invading Colorado as October draws to close - OutThere Colorado

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