The Walking Dead Star Explains World Beyond’s Connection to Our Current Reality – CBR – Comic Book Resources

The Walking Dead; World Beyond actor Nicolas Cantu believes the newest Walking Dead spinoff is all about the battle of nature vs. humanity.

With every day that passes, it seems like comparisons build to the post-apocalyptic world ofThe Walking Dead. And according toThe Walking Dead: World Beyond star Nicolas Cantu, there are more reasons than expected to draw parallels between their world and ours.

"While it would be obvious to draw parallels from the virus in the show to the pandemic we're experiencing right now," Cantu said in an exclusive interview with CBR, "I feel the big reason it works in our world's context is the theme of nature."

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His attitudeseems to reflect that ofhis character, Elton. His parents have passed down the philosophy of "The wind always wins." Though humans may have their obvious effect on the planet, Mother Nature will be the one to bear out at the end of the day. And in Elton -- and evidently Nicolas' -- opinion, that means an apocalypse that has filled the world with zombies to purge the surface of mankind. "Us people have been taking from the world for our own gain," says Cantu, "and while that's important for the progression of humans as a species, our methods of doing so are selfish." He joked, "Now I'm not saying you're going to turn into a zombie if you don't recycle, but our show poses the question, what if?"

The show's most recent episode, "Madman Across the Water," was significantfor Elton. The flashback episode revealed last time he saw his parents. His mother Amelia left to go to the university just like any other day, and would be later shot and killed by Hope on "The Day the Sky Fell."

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Elton stayed behind with his father Isaac, and the two were besieged with Walkers when the zombie apocalypse hit. Isaac hid his son away from the attackers, losing his life in the process. Though Eltonpresumably found his way to the haven of the university on his own, it gave him an immense claustrophobia that he has to this day.

The spotlight stayed on Elton in the present, as he began to express doubts about the teenagers' mission. When a sudden storm threatens the group's progress to travel across water, his claustrophobia is put to the ultimate test. Luckily he is able to prevail and save the day, but not before Hope finally makes the connections that it was his mother she killed on that fateful night.

"I feel our show gives a look into a world where nature becomes our direct opposition," Cantu said, "and seeing how our characters handle it is the main reason I hope people tune in." But ifWorld Beyond is any indicator so far, it's more than nature that the intrepid youngsters will have to contend with as they find their way in the world.

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