Dover’s Strand Theater has last chance to avoid permanent closure –

By Jeann McCartin| Fosters Daily Democrat

That "Dracula" at the end of October was one of the few productions to grace TheStrand'sstage since March was a tip-off that the venue, like so many, is facing serious problems. He's among the undead after all.

Oddly enough, the production of the eponymous playpresented by Break-A-Leg Legallywas also a sign of hope. It was the first major performance at the theater since its closing due to the coronavirus, founder and Board of Trustee President DanDemers says. Still, after months of shutdown, and withseating currently limited to 70 in a 280-capacity house, no show is enough to save the theater.

TheStrandnow needs $100,000 by Decemberor it will close permanently, Demers says.

The upcoming "StrandTheater Telethon Event" is the nonprofit's Hail Mary. With the support of an army of performers, technicians, filmmakers, event sponsors (still seeking more) and volunteers, the house hopes the virtual fundraiser Nov. 20-21will see them through the coming year.

Back in January, Demers was deservedly optimistic about 2020.The 5-year-old performing arts centerwas on track to experience its first profitable season.

"I was planning on purchasing the building. Then COVIDhit and everything had to be canceled. No one was buying tickets," Demers said. "We had been breaking even 'til2020. This was going to be my profit-making year."

March arrived and future shows started canceling comedy, musical events, a film premier, play productions and community events. Then the theaterclosed.

The musical act Dueling Pianos tried re-booking a few times since, but sales performed so poorly they stopped trying.

TheStrand's popular "Garage-to-Gigs" program was also put on hold.

"That program helps local artists to reach their goal of becoming performers," he explained. "It's an open stage forpoetry, performance, comedy, anything. If the (artist) wants to go further, then they are given coaching. ... It was really hard to cancel that."

The only activities remaining were the occasional private event rentals. Eventually, the venue found itself in the inevitable, precarious financial situation.

TV producer Terry Traynor of Narrow Street Filmssuggested a telethon to Demers to raise funds.

"Interesting, it was Terry's movie screening that was canceled in May, but he was the one that suggested it." Demers said. "We'd been thinking of fundraisers ... and the board went for the idea."

Traynor also signed on to help put the project together, along with his crew, and to make the telethon a virtual event.The telethon is scheduled to run a straight 24 hoursstarting at 6 p.m. Nov. 20 through 6 p.m. Nov. 21.

The fundraiser will feature a variety of musical and theater performances, both pre-recorded and live from the safety of the artists'homes.

Performers include Paul Hubert, Nate Cozzolino, Lester Hirsh, Stephen Shaw,Art Sweed,Walker Smith, Tony Whelton, Angela Stewart, Matt Mulcahy, Chris Howe Band The Wood Floors, Chris Fraga and about two dozen others.

Demers will host the show, working live from the theater throughout the 24 hours. He'll be joined by a number of the theater's Board of Directors members.

The event includes a live tour of the venue, a smattering of historical tidbitsand interviews with some performers.

Traynor and his team are crafting a video that will chronicle the history of the theater, which opened in 1919, that will premier during the telethon, Demers said.

Several artists who have performed at the Strand also have organized an in-person Benefit Concert at the theater Saturday, Nov. 14. Tickets are $20 for the night of live music.

Money raised from both events will be used for the operating budget and a few minor repairs, "like the toilets, which need replacing."

"But, mostly it is for the operating budget," Demers said. "We don't want to have to close because there's no heat or the electricity is shut off."

The lack of shows wasn't the only hit the theater took during this period. This was the year Demers planned to solicit sponsorships,an organizational first. He'd held off for the first four years while the company built up its programs, "products worthy of the support." Companies and businesses coming on board deserve to get their money's worth, he said.

Ross Furniture was the first to sign on. But, when things went south, Demers suggested the company hold off.

"We wanted to make sure we had enough going on so it was worth it for them," he said. "I didn't want them donating every month and not have anything for people to see. They just restarted their monthly sponsorship, which is good. It's helping out a lot."

TheStrandalso attempted to secure some of the pandemic relief funds, but found a departing board member hadn't followed through on necessary paperwork making them ineligible; "that was very frustrating."

On the upside, Monica Naglejoined the board early this year. Nagle, who will perform in the telethon, is the firstStrandboard member with fundraising experience.

"'Tilthen we had no one on the board with that expertise," Demers said. "She's helping with the event and is ... looking at sustainability."

Demers always assumed the business would take three to five years to gain traction. To be hit so hard by outside factors just as it was making headway "is just heart-breaking," he said.

And now it's November. Demers expects a few events will go forward, like its recent "Dracula" production,few being the operative word.

It has begun booking 2021. "Garage-to-Gigs" is scheduled to return in the spring, and additional events are booked through July. Mandated safety precautions will be strictly followed.

But, everything is tentative and even if all goes well and shows return, productions alone won't save the theater at this point.

In addition to the telethon and benefit concert, theStrandhas launcheda Go Fund Me effort, which is already bringing in some donations.

The idea that Dover could lose this art center is heart-breaking, Demers said.

"I think what I enjoy most here is the growth of the kids and people that come in and do performances for 'Open Share,' comparing them from the first day they came in and two years later,seeing the improvements," Demers said. "And I enjoy when the customers come in and say 'I came here when I was a kid, I'm so glad it's here and I can bring my kids in.' It's awesome."

It's too much to think of that disappearing, as well as the benefits to thecommunity live music and theater, full restaurants on event nights, and a place to grow in the arts, both on and off the stage, he said.

"It's a place to express yourself in the arts, and there's a community," Demers said. "I think what I would miss the most if it wasn't here are just the smiling faces when they leave theStrand."

Go & Do

What: Performers for the StrandBenefit

When: 4 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Nov 14

Where: Strand Theater, 20 Third St., Dover

Performers:Sonic Eclipse,Grant Lampton,April Cushman,Becca Myari, Ross Arnold,Joe Messino,Nate Cozzolino,Steve Shaw,Monica Nagle,Mike Loughlin Faith Ann Band, Marlena Phillips,Alfredo Enrique,Benavides,Jam Tomorrow Tyler Allgood, Dan Bauer

Tickets:$20,bar will be open.Donations will be accepted during the event. Due to COVID-19requirements, maximum capacity is 88. Tickets will be sold to groups of 5, with empty seats around them. Masks mustbe worn to and from seats. Masks will be available upon request.Get tickets at:

For more information: Email or see Facebook:

What:"TheStrandTheater Telethon Event"

When: 24-hour telethon from 6 p.m.Nov. 20 to 6 p.m.Nov. 21

Where:Onlinethrough Zoom at,passcode is590136 or at "Save theStrandDover Telethon" Facebook Page

Admission: Donations can be made at the above Event Facebook Page or at the Go Fund Me page at

For more information: Visit, or call (603) 343-1899.

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Dover's Strand Theater has last chance to avoid permanent closure -

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