Freddy Vs. Jason: 10 Horror Villains We’d Love To See Clash (& 10 That Would Be Hilariously Awful) – Screen Rant

The horror movie mashup Freddy Vs. Jason has two horror villains square off for supremacy. Here are some great and stupid matchups we want to see.

The mega-horror movie franchise mashup Freddy Vs. Jasonhastwo of the most iconic horror villains of all-time square off for sinister supremacy. The Ronny Yu film grossed more than $116 million on an estimated $30 million budget while also garnering largely favorable reviews from fans and critics alike. However, despite the success, a sequel was never produced.

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In looking back at the film, it's interesting to wonder what other major horror villains might do well or poorly in a crossover clash. Some horror baddies seem perfect for a franchise mirror match, while others might be too much of a stretch to take seriously.

As Jordan Peele's produced version of Candyman awaits release, it'd be pretty fascinating to see the hook-handed madman face-off with an intellectual cannibal in Hannibal Lecter.

One of the things that makes Candyman so menacing is that he has an air of sophistication that is rarely matched by his victims. Such would not be the case with Hannibal, who is a certified genius despite having a penchant for human flesh. To watch Hannibal deal with a supernatural phantom summoned through the mirror would make for a terrifying battle of wits.

One pretty awful horror mashup that could potentially be made one day is Jaws Vs. Tremors, in which the scariest sea-monster in cinematic history does battle with the most formidable sand-worms ever seen.

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Imagine a scenario where a gaggle of characters is situated in the exact geological region that puts them at risk of both the 30-foot Great White shark in Jaws and the giant, smelly, subterranean Graboid monsters that hunt by sound. As the two monsters converge on the humans, they swim headlong right into each other and begin a violent clash.

One idea for a horror franchise mashup sure to terrorize the younger crowd would be to pit two baleful boogeymen against each other. Most recently, the two champs of the subgenre belong to The Babadook and Pennywise from It.

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While both horrifying figures prey on the fears of little children as a way to grow stronger, seeing the freaky Babadook mix it up with the wisecracking Pennywise might just be too much for children to handle. The Babadook stalks silently while Pennywise uses tricks and elaborate ruses to catch his prey.

What if Ghostface from the venerable Scream franchise faced off with a real ghost in the form of Samara from The Ring movies. It sort of sounds like a scene from a random Scary Movie sequel.

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What makes the match so incompatible is the wildly divergent personalities of the two scary villains. Ghostface often cracks jokes, asks trivia questions, and spouts silly one-liners. By contrast, Samara is a slow-moving silent assassin whose over-serious tone would not gel so well with Ghostface's gregarious terror.

Pinhead Vs. Jigsaw is a potential horror mashup most genre fans would almost certainly get behind. Both villains are cerebral, hyper-violent pranksters who set some of the most barbarous traps and puzzles the horror genre has ever seen.

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Imagine a situation where Jigsaw was consigned to hell for any number of good reasons. Once stuck in a purgatorial limbo, Jigsaw meets his mortifying match in Pinhead, the pale-faced S&M Hell Priest with his own deadly contraptions. The two can try to out-duel each other in a freakish hellscape that melds the iconography of both franchises.

Warlocks and witches are male/female counterparts, so it would be sort of silly to pit them against each other in a horror franchise mashup. It'd be even more ridiculous if Robert Eggers' genuinely chilling Witch did battle with Julian Sands of the Warlock movies from the 80s and 90s.

If the Witch and the Warlock faced each other, they'd likely join forces before long and direct their evil ire toward whatever witch hunters were on their tail.

A perfect horror villain mirror match we'd love to see get made is Leprechaun Vs. Chucky, two homicidal homunculi who often crack more jokes than skulls.

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In addition to sharing a similar size and stature, the idea of matching Brad Dourif's iconic voice as Chucky with Warwick Davis' equally memorable Irish lexicon as Leprechaun seems like an obvious no-brainer. Imagine Chucky trying to transfer his serial-killing soul into the body of Leprechaun and the violent resistance he is met with.

Another laughable horror mashup would be to take an Oscar-winning villain like Annie Wilkes from Misery and place her in the presence of a far sillier supernatural spirit like The Nun. In other words, it's Stephen King vs. Gary Dauberman.

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Kathy Bates won an Academy Award for her terrifying turn as super-fan gone postal in Misery. The Nun, by contrast, was nominated Worst Movie of the Year by the Hawaii Film Critics Society. The idea of seeing Wilkes square off with The Nun is beyond bad.

If Freddy Vs. Jason is the gold standard of horror movie mashups, there is no reason why Michael Myers Vs. Leatherface could rank as a close second.

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In addition to being two of the all-time scariest horror villains, Myers and Leatherface match up almost perfectly. Both lumber around in filthy clothing, stalk their victims with icy precision, speak very little dialogue, and don mortifying masks to hide their facial identity. While Leatherface's chainsaw would seem to be an advantage, Myers is known to use a wide array of weaponry.

While it sounds pretty cool on paper, the logistics of clashing The Shining'sJack Torrance with Psycho'sNorman Bates doesn't make a ton of sense. For one, Bates is roughly two decades older than Torrance. For another, Anthony Perkins has been deceased since 1992.

Then again, since both villains dwell in infamous hotels, it makes sense they might cross paths at some point. And while it is tempting to see a Kubrickian villain face a Hitchkockian one, the idea seems at least three decades too late to really work.

NEXT: Psycho & 9 More Great Films That Cost Less Than $1 Million To Make

Next 10 Monster Movie Flops That Shouldve Been Hits

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