Gothika: What The Horror Movie’s Title Means | Screen Rant – Screen Rant

The meaning behind the title of the 2003 horror movie Gothika has baffled fans ever since its release. We break down what the title really means.

While Gothikafocuses on a central mystery, the biggest question it leaves its audience with is the meaning behind its strange title. Given its supernatural elements, a mysterious title seems like it would be fitting forGothika. However, the movie never provides an explanation for why it was given that title, leaving fans stumped for nearly two decades.

The horror movie followspsychiatrist Miranda Grey (Halle Berry) as her life is turned upside down. One minute, she's happily working at a mental hospital alongside her husband Doug and friend, Pete Graham (Robert Downey, Jr.), but the next thing she knows, she wakes up admitted in the hospital under Pete's care, and accused of murdering Doug. Miranda slowly begins to understand what's happening to her and realizes her husband isn't the man she thought he was.

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Gothika isn't afraid toget a little weird, and its title is a reflection of that. The word is also never spoken in the movie, showing that it doesn't have any real significance to the characters inGothika. But despite that, fans have assigned their own meanings to the term since the horror movie's 2003 release.

Some fans believe the horror movie's title is a reference to Gothic literature. This style of literature is a subset of horror fiction that often includes romance and death. Over the years, it's become associated with dark, gloomy colors. This theme is clearly in keeping withGothika the horror movie is all about horror, romance, and death. The movie's color scheme is incredibly cold and dim as well; every scene is dipped in icy shades of blue and gray.

Other fans have gotten a little more creative with their interpretations ofGothika's title. The word Gothika has been added to Urban Dictionary with multiple definitions since the movie's release. One definition states that Gothika, which can also be spelled Gothica, is a term for a situation in which someone sees or feel things that no one else can. Another definition states that Gothika is a terrifying dream or vision. The final definition sarcastically states that Gothika is simply a cool-sounding word chosen for the title of a Halle Berry movie, which could truly be the easiest answer and possibly even the correct one.

Two of the three Urban Dictionary definitions for the word were added afterGothika's release date, further proving that thetitle doesn't really have a true definition. However, since fans have assigned it multiple meanings, the word Gothika has taken on a life of its own. Some people might be continually frustrated to learn thatGothika never assigned the word a concrete definition, but few movie titles have managed to spur their own definitions it's a pretty impressive feat.

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Brynne is a lifelong lover of movies hailing from Chicago. Ever since discovering "The Ring" at age 13, she's had a slightly sadistic love affair with horror movies. Tweet her your horror movie recommendations @brynneramella. Please she's running out of movies to watch.

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Gothika: What The Horror Movie's Title Means | Screen Rant - Screen Rant

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