The Walking Dead: recap of season 10 episode, Walk With Us – Undead Walking

Today we recap Walk With Us, which is the twelfth episode of season ten of The Walking Dead. We are continuing our recaps of this season as we count down to the new episodes, which will premiere on February 28 on AMC. As we start th episode, the fight at Hilltop is on. There are walkers and Whisperers everywhere, and everything is on fire.

Ezekiel has the children, trying to carry out the plan that he and Daryl discussed to keep them safe. He realizes Judith is missing. We see Judith killing walkers, and she stabs a Whisperer; just as she is about to finish her off, Judith hesitates, and the woman dies. She looks shell-shocked at the thought of killing a human instead of a walker. Earl comes to her to take her someplace safe.

We see Carol bow in hand, killing anyone in her sight. Eugene looks up at the house atBarrington House, which is engulfed in flames. He looks up to the top turret where his radio equipment is housed and runs off. Rosita yells after him but to doesnt listen.

They are trying to hold back the horde who have now been slowed down by the massive pile of dead walkers. There is an explosion, and Daryl sees another wall has been taken down. The walkers keep coming. Yumiko ready her bow and takes aim only to notice that one of the walkers is actually Magna, who has been missing since the cave-in.

Carol looks around and sees all the fighting and explosions with a look of despair. There is another explosion, and the opening sequence starts. It was an amazing way to start this episode and get the viewer hooked in right away.

The next scene starts, and it is the morning after. We see a man blown to bits but still alive and Negan, in his whisperer mask, approaches him. He smashes his head with Lucille. Alpha reprimands him for not killing his brain. She needs to replenish her horde, so they need to kill only the heart. He tells her she needs to learn how to savor a victory, to which she replies it wasnt a victory as she doesnt have everything she wants.

Beta joins them as Negan realizes Alpha is trying to recover Lydia. Beta tells him it isnt his concern and that he will bring Lydia back to Alpha. As she walks away, Beta steps in front of a chuckling Negan. He tells Beta that he is at his service and, as only Negan can do, calls him Frowny McTwoKnives. Beta tells him to gather walkers.

We see Negan following a walker, trying to get it to follow him. As he tries to round up other walkers, he notices Lydia in the woods limping, and he goes after her. . We see Aaron dragging a hurt Luke in the woods. He comes up on Negan, still in the whisper mask, and Aaron is not happy. Negan tries to explain that things arent what they seem. This isnt good enough for Aaron; he is out for blood. The walkers he was rounding up come towards Aaron and Luke, who is unable to defend himself. Negan leaves them.

Lydia is limping as Negan, who has now taken off his mask, finds her. She sees the mask and tries to take a swing at him. He grabs her and says, sorry kid, this shit is done.

We see Alden, Kelly and Mary on the road with a crying Adam. They are trying to rendezvous with the others. Adam is inconsolable. Mary offers to help with Adam, who is her nephew. Aldan wont let her touch the baby as the Whisperers left him to die. Alden finally lets her hold the crying baby, and she is able to comfort him. They take a break, and Alden asks Mary about her sister. She shares her regrets about being the one still alive, feeling she should have died and not her sister.

She hears walkers, and they take off trying to run away with a crying baby. They take shelter in an old van that they come upon. Mary gives the baby to them, and she stays out with the walkers creating a diversion to keep them safe. She kills all of the walkers and is experiencing a moment of peace at saving them when Beta comes upon her and stabs her. He tells her she will walk with us. She screams NEVER as she rips part of his mask off. He drags her body to a tree and retrieves the missing piece of his mask. A whisperer approaches him, recognizing him. He tells Beta your voice sounded familiar, and Beta kills him.

Beta waits for Mary to turn. As her reanimated body approaches him, an arrow is shot through her head, and Beta runs off. We see Alden behind a tree with his bow. He put her down so she wouldnt have to remain a walker in response to her kindness in saving them.

Eugene and Carol are in the woods as Eugene struggles to find anything left to salvage of his radio.

We hear whispers, and it is Magna and Yumiko talking about what happened to Magna after the cave-in. She tells how she lost Connie has they got mixed in with the horde. Carol listens, knowing this was her fault. She turns to go away, and Yumiko isnt standing for it. She tells Carols she should be begging for forgiveness for the trauma she caused Magna and Connie. Carols say that wont make anything better. Yumiko slugs her in the jaw.

Both Yumiko and Magna are carrying heavy emotions regarding their relationship. They discuss the end of their romantic relationship and end up sharing a laugh.

Carol sits alone on a log as a walkers hand emerges from under the leaves. Instead of killing the walker, she sits there watching it. She stabs it in the head as Eugene comes to her to check on her. They discuss how she has done things to make literally everyone mad at her, and people were killed. She asks if he knows how that feels, and Eugene says he does, remembering when he told everyone he had the cure for the outbreak.

He shares some information about his upcoming meeting. He tells her it is important, but with all that has gone on at Hilltop, he wont make the meeting. Carol tells him if it is that important, he must go to her. He smiles and tells Carol that he sincerely hopes she gets what she wants.

Carol finds Lydias staff abandoned in the woods.

We see Daryl, Rosita, Jerry, Nabila, Dianne, and others heading the rendezvous to meet with the children. The house is empty. Nabila has a moment of panic, thinking the worst has happened to her children.

We see Earl and the children safe in a house. Judith is concerned for Ezekiel as she lost sight of him. Earl tries to encourage all the children by telling them they are doing so well and their parents will be so proud of them for being brave. He tells them to be quiet and goes into another room. We see him turn over a table and place a spike upright on the table. We see that he has been bitten as Judith enters. Judith offers to stay with him until he turns. He tells her she needs to keep the kids safe from him. They both cry, and Judith touches his hand; then she returns to the children.

Daryl and Jerry head back to Hilltop to find the children. They find Ezekiel, who had been buried under some of the fallen walls. He yells about the children as the trio takes off to find them.

We see Earl kill himself on the spike he placed on the table, and Judth approaches his prone body. He reanimates and makes to attack her. Next, we see Daryl, Jerry, and Ezekiel at the house, and the children run out happy to see them. Daryl goes in to find Judith and see Earl dead. He sits next to her and puts his arm around the poor young girl who has had to do something that would be difficult for an adult.

Negan approaches Alpha, telling her that he has found what she is looking for. He takes her into the woods to take her to Lydia. We see Lydia tied to a chair, trying to escape. Negan and Alpha talk about his place in her kingdom. He shares about his wife and her cancer battle. He explains how losing her made him numb to everything, which has benefited him in this world. He tries to talk to Alpha about her twisted plan to kill her own daughter. She explains it is Lydias destiny.

We see Lydia still struggling to break her bonds. Negan and Alpha are near a cabin, and Negan tells her that she still loves Lydia. In her mind killing Lydia is what she will do because she loves her. She kisses Negan and thanks to him. We see Lydia, almost free, as Alpha approaches a cabin. As Alpha opens the door to go in, Lydia opens the door to exit the cabin. We then realize it isnt the same cabin. As Alpha realizes the cabin is empty, she turns to Negan, and he slices her throat.

She looks surprised as she grasps for Negan. he kisses her as she bleeds out.

Negan takes her severed head and throws it at someones feet in the woods. The scene pans out, and we see it is Carol. She says, It took you long enough.

Now, we know who let Negan out of his cell.

Be sure to watch The Walking Dead when it returns on February 28 on AMC.

Read more from the original source:
The Walking Dead: recap of season 10 episode, Walk With Us - Undead Walking

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