The Biggest A24 Movies Of All Time – Looper

Can the box office success of "Ex Machina" be chalked up to Oscar Isaac dancing? The heartthrob actor swaying his arms and hips to a groovy beat has become a go-to GIF, after all. In a sense, the answer is yes, but only because this scene symbolizes the movie's memorable tone. Alex Garland's sci-fi thriller is, in fact, full of such distinctive moments.

"Ex Machina" inspired a wealth of great reviews, and boasted a marketing campaign emphasizing the film's oodles of distinctive imagery. Plus, A24 did a lot of eye-catching publicity stunts, like utilizing bots on Tinder, to drum up interest. As a result, this feature grossed $25.4 million domestically. This is an especially impressive sum given the fact that its wide release expansion coincided with the debut of May 2015 blockbusters like "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and "Mad Max: Fury Road."

Even with all that competition to face, "Ex Machina"kept on attracting moviegoers through marketing, word-of-mouth, and its compelling central premise. Plus, even though those otherMay 2015 movies have massive marketing budgets and iconic brand names, none of them have Oscar Isaac dancing. No wonder "Ex Machina" managed to thrive at the box office.

Originally posted here:
The Biggest A24 Movies Of All Time - Looper

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