Is The Walking Dead scary? – Winter Is Coming

Its October, which means we have Halloween on the brain. Speaking of brains, you might want to keep yours away from any zombies around, because we all know how much they enjoy a good feast.

But if youd like to jump into the world of zombies anyway, a safe way to do that would be in the comfort of your own home by watchingThe Walking Dead. For years,The Walking Deadhas beenthezombie television series, so much so that AMC not only has several spinoffs on the air right now, such asFear the Walking DeadandWorld Beyond, but there are also several other series and movies in the works, such as Tales of the Walking Deadand the Rick Grimes movies.

If you havent watched this series, you may be wondering ifThe Walking Deadis scary. There are tons of zombies after all, which usually guarantees scares. But movies likeShaun of the DeadandZombielandmake zombie outbreaks light and humorous. So where doesThe Walking Deadfall on the scary scale?

To put it lightly,The Walking Deaddefinitely isnt a series for children. As you follow the adventures of main character Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) and the countless others he meets along the way includingDaryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) andMichonne (Danai Gurira) they have to do some intense things to survive.

While we wont go too in depth, it means multiple scenes full of graphic zombie slaughter per episode. And even the characters themselves meet some violent ends as a result of zombies or the amoral humans who thrive after the apocalypse. All this has to be appropriate for cable television on AMC. But as someone who is quite squeamish myself, Ive found some scenes that were a bit too much for me to watch.

So the violence is the scariest part ofThe Walking Deadfranchise. Tonally, though, I wouldnt consider this series to be a traditional horror show. Its more like a drama than anything else. The characters have intense, complex relationships with one another. The events can range from thrilling to absolutely heartbreaking. And no two episodes are alike.

If youre looking for somethingscaryscary, thenThe Walking Deadprobably isnt it. But if you do want to watch the show but are afraid of horror elements, you can safely watch this series as long as you can handle the graphic killing scenes every now and then.

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Is The Walking Dead scary? - Winter Is Coming

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