The Horror of Mrs. Doubtfire and Mr. Rogers Get Remixed

We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today:

We're kind of sad we didn't think of this sooner: Mrs. Doubtfire as a horror movie. Like sure, you could take the second most sentimental mom movie in the world (Stepmom has to be first) at surface value. But forgive us if we're more intrigued by the hairy-knuckled Robin Williams as a crossdressing maniac who will go to any lengths to be with his children and its sinister spin [via Vulture]:

Still here? Good. Because we now have a trippy, intergalactic remix of Mr. Rogers. We're serious. PBS is working with mash-up artist John D. Boswell for a series of tributes to our childhood icons. This Mr. Rogers mash-up is just the first."Both PBS and the Fred Rogers Company hope you like Johns celebration of Fred Rogers message," reads the network's statement on Slyoyster. Think of it as the dub-step Sesame Street appetizer:

Now, to Metta World Peace with the weather:

And finally, this dog can play the drums (better than anyone on The Atlantic Wire staff). It looks like it's a commercial for "Matt, a drum instructor" which is a fine way to make a living. But so is pairing up your drum-playing dog with death metal parrot and having a traveling roadshow:

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The Horror of Mrs. Doubtfire and Mr. Rogers Get Remixed

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