'Shocking me right out of my brain'

Craig Emerson has turned to song to mock Tony Abbott's claim that the carbon tax will wipe Whyalla off the map. Vision: ABC

IT'S a "Horror Movie" alright.

Craig Emerson, the Minister for Trade and Competitiveness, took the carbon tax debate to a whole new, cringe-worthy level today by belting out his own version of the Skyhooks' classic 1975 hit at Parliament House in Canberra.

During an interview with ABC News, Dr Emerson was asked about the mood in Whyalla - the South Australian town which Opposition Leader Tony Abbott had said would be "wiped off the map" if the controversial tax was implemented.

"This is the mood in Whyalla..." Dr Emerson replies before the somewhat eerie Skyhooks song begins playing in the background.

The MP for Rankin then starts gyrating in what could be described as very embarrassing "dad dancing" before launching into song and his own self-styled lyrics.

"No Whyalla wipe-out, right there on my TV. No Whyalla wipe-out, right there on my TV, he belts out. "No Whyalla wipe-out, right there on my TV, shocking me right out of my brain. Shocking me right out of my brain."

Dr Emerson had already visited Whyalla on Sunday to dismiss Mr Abbotts cataclysmic claims about the tax, which he has vowed to repeal if the Opposition are voted into power.

"We're here to demonstrate that Mr Abbott is wrong," Dr Emerson said. "Whyalla has not been wiped off the face of the map upon the implementation of the carbon price. Whyalla is continuing to grow, to expand."

Both the major parties have taken their carbon tax messages to the streets today as the battle to win over the minds and hearts of the public heats up. Opposition leader Tony Abbott embarked on an intensive campaign to discredit the tax, while Prime Minister Julia Gillard took to the airwaves to sell the new measure.

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'Shocking me right out of my brain'

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