How to Draw a Zombie in Photoshop – Video

How to Draw a Zombie in Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop can be used for many photo and graphic needs, either professional or just for fun. If you want to recreate a poster for a horror movie or a novelty picture of yourself, you can use Adobe Photoshop to turn yourself, or someone you know into a zombie. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to draw a zombie in Adobe Photoshop. Step # 1 -- Load an Image Frist of all, open an image in Adobe Photoshop on which you want to apply the zombie effect. The image can be a portrait or a complete body image. In this tutorial, we are going to use a portrait image. Step # 2 -- Create a selection Now we will zoom in the image so that the outlines of the eyes are clear and then we will create a selection around the eyes using the "lasso tool". You can use other methods to create the selection as well. Next, press "Ctrl+J" to create a copy of the selection on a new layer. Step # 3 -- Increase the brightness Once we have the duplicate copy of the eyes on a new layer, now we will go to the "image" menu at the top toolbar and then go to the "adjustment" option. Click on "curves" and when the dialog box appears, increase the brightness of the eyes by adjusting the graph. Step # 4 -- Apply the Diffuse glow filter Once the eyes are done, click on the background layer, create a duplicate layer of it and drag it above "layer 1". It is always a good practice to create a duplicate copy of the layer before applying a filter on the image. Go to the "filter" menu and select ...From:howtechgraphicsViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:03More inHowto Style

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How to Draw a Zombie in Photoshop - Video

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