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Now that the year is drawing to an end and it's going to be January 1st, 2020 before we know it (with all of the New Year's resolutions that come along with it), it's the perfect time to look back at the entertainment that we loved from the last ten years. Netflix is such a big part of our popular culture loving lives and the streaming service puts out such great original content all the time Continue reading
Movies have changed drastically over the last decade. When 2010 began, only comic-book geeks knew who the Avengers were. In 2019, the superhero team are the namesake of the highest-grossing movie of all time Continue reading
THE MISKATONIC INSTITUTE OF HORROR STUDIES Announces 2020 Schedule The worlds longest-running horror-centric educational organization with branches in London, New York, and Los Angeles is pleased to announce its spring lineup of monthly classes in horror history, theory, and production. Set against the mystical backdrop of Los Felizs storiedPhilosophical Research Societycampus, Miskatonic talks are fun and casual illustrated excursions into horrors dark corners led by some of the genres most renowned luminaries. Miskatonic LA has one more class today, December 12th, before closing out the year: an illustrated masterclass with surrealist photographer, filmmaker, collagist, sculptor and performance artistPenny Slinger, best known for her collaborations with filmmakers Peter Whitehead (Lilford Hall, 1969) and Jane Arden (The Other Side of the Underneath, 1972) and her photo-collage masterpiece of psychic trauma,An Exorcism(1977) the latter of which prompted an invitation to create the scenography for Diors 2019/2020 Autumn-Winter fashion show Continue reading
Triple Frontier. Photo: Melinda Sue Gordon/Netflix This piece is frequently updated as titles leave and join Netflix Continue reading
The Walking Dead season 9 logo - AMC and Skybound The Walking Dead is going strong after ten seasons on TV and over 15 years of comic books, and there are plenty of reasons to be excited about the zombie shows future with the Rick Grimes movies and The Walking Dead: World Beyond spinoff coming soon. Its no surprise, then, that The Walking Dead ended up on the FanSided 250. FanSided is home to over 300 websites dedicated to fandoms across sports and entertainment, and the FanSided 250 is a celebration of all of those fandoms Continue reading
Fans who grew up reading comic books in the 1980s are sure to recognize such 2000 AD staples such as the ABC Warriors, Strontium Dog, Slaine the Horned God, and the biggest export from the English weekly comic, Judge Dredd. If you havent been keeping up with the work being done in 2000 AD over the past years, you may have missed writer Pat Mills and and artist Leigh Gallaghers Titus Defoe, another take-no-prisoners hero, cut from the same cloth as many of previously mentioned legends. The latest Defoe serial,Defoe the Divisor, is currently running in 2000 AD and original creator Mills and current artist Stewart Moore took some time out of their busy weekly schedule to introduce the character to new audiences and describe his current escapades in space Continue reading
To paraphrase one of the best small-screen achievements of 2019: Movies, what a concept! I had a weird year at the theater, folks, where more often than not the films I had high hopes for turned out to be a letdown. IT: Chapter Two left me cold, Spider-Man: Far From Homewas topped by its own after-credits scenes, and even my dear beloved Godzilla got stomped by King of the Monsters sloppy ambitions. Continue reading
Zombies never really stopped being cool, did they? They don't talk much, and they're cannibals, and that combination doesn't sound like it should to lead to "cool," but in the late aughts and early 2010s, brain-eaters werethething. The AMC adaptation of Robert Kirkman'sThe Walking Deadcomic premiered in 2010, and Seth Grahame-Smith changed how we appreciate Jane Austen in 2009 forever by taking the classic 19th-century novelPride and Prejudiceand transforming it intoPride and Prejudice and Zombies Continue reading
Its nearly Thanksgiving and were doing something only a couple of websites have done: watch every episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and rank each one. Id love to sit here and pontificate about the shows history and how great it wasbut 1) youve heard it all before 2) you dont really wanna sit here and read what I think about the shows history when so many other people have said whats already been said and 3) weve gotta get going with this thing. If you still insist on knowing what the hell Im talking about, feel free to visit the following sites: The MST3K Wikipedia PageThe MST3k YouTube ChannelTheir Official WebsiteThe MST3K Satellite News Site And, if you wanna compare lists (though that doesnt sound the LEAST bit healthy for a growing man such as yourself), you can do so here: Mighty Jacks MST3K ReviewRanking Every MST3K Episode, From Worst to Best Paste Magazine If you want to watch episodes with other MSTies, you can visit the following sites. Continue reading
Look, we get it Thanksgiving can *suck*. However, one way that you can mitigate that suckitude is by playing a whole bunch of local multiplayer games on your PS4 with the friends and family who simply cannot summon up the energy for the annual Thanksgiving brain-drain. Continue reading