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1. "...Bond. James Bond." (Sean Connery, Dr Continue reading
Shortly after his iconic turn as Dracula, Bela Lugosi made this-the first ever zombie film. It's worth noting that this is also an independent film, not made by Universal or some other major studio. That's perhaps why this one seems to be overlooked more often than not Continue reading
6. The Cured The Cured might be the most unique zombie movie on this list. Continue reading
Zombie: A deceased human being who has partially returned to life due to undeterminable causes. I dont know about you, but I have had about enough of our undead friends to last me a lifetime. Continue reading
Filmmaker Rob Zombie returns to Haddonfield for this Dimension Films sequel that finds the murderous psychopath Michael Myers (once again played by Tyler Mane) out on the loose again. The film picks up where the last one left off. Continue reading
With World War Zhitting VOD and DVD now seems like a good time to review the top ten zombie movies of all time. With the like of The Walking Dead and explosion of zombie literature it appears the undead have taken a bite out of pop culture and will be here for awhile. Continue reading
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller The Berlin File is a South Korean spy thriller, directed and written bySeung-wan Ryoo, established director in Korean industry, know for many movies, and particularly for Crying Fist and City of Violence, both found on this site. This movie is most successful project of Seung-wan Ryoo so far, and box office record holder for the genre in South Korea. The plot is quite complex and hard to summarize, but that wouldn't be international espionage thriller if it would be that simple Continue reading
October is horror month here at Cinema Spotlight and throughout the month Ill be posting a variety of different horror-themed countdowns to explore the best this genre of fear and suspense has to offer. That said what better place to start than with one of the most popular horror genres of recent years, the zombie movie? Continue reading
Since the Victor Halperin hasshot and released the first ever zombie film, its been 85 years already! It was then that the audience first saw on the screen a living dead undead. The movie was so impressive that these horror stories were the main backbone of the horror genre. During the first thirty years, the image of zombie characters was somewhat different than now Continue reading
A young bride says "until death do us part," but finds that doesn't necessarily put an end to her romance in this offbeat blend of horror, comedy, and romance. Danny (Graham Sibley) and Denise (Tracy Coogan) are a young couple who have just gotten married and head off to a beachside bungalow to celebrate their honeymoon Continue reading