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Sixty-three weeks later, Im finally back to bring you a new box office report. Moviegoing has returned! Following last weeks disappointing debut from Spiral, the latest and lowest-grossing entry of the Saw franchise (which is already hitting VOD this week), another horror sequel has made it known that Americans are, at last, ready to see movies on the big screen again in droves: John Krasinskis A Quiet Place Part II opened with a reported $48.4 million over its first three days, with another estimated $10.1 million being added on Memorial Day for a holiday weekend total of about $58.5 million. The follow-up to Krasinskis own 2018 original, A Quiet Place, easily had the best domestic opening of the year so far, and it is already the second-highest-grossing movie of 2021 Godzilla vs Continue reading
Can't figure out what to watch on Netflix? The Netflix Top 10 list (published in the app itself) reveals the most popular shows that everyone is watching on the streaming service, giving you recommendations based on what others are trying. Today, May 28, the number one spot on the Netflix Top 10 belongs to the 2015 animated Dreamworks film Home, a goofy adventure pairing a little girl and alien Continue reading
With around 72 million households expected to be tuning in over the next four weeks since the movie's premiere on Netflix, Army of the Dead is projected to be one of the most-watched movies ever released on the streamer in its first four weeks. From director Zack Snyder, whose directorial debut was the 2004 zombie flick Dawn of the Dead, the movie was one of the most anticipated releases of the year. That shows with the tremendously high viewership pulled in on Netflix, as touted by the streamer with a post on Twitter Continue reading
Netflix Summer is coming. And vaccinations for almost everyone if all goes well. Continue reading
I ts difficult to nail all three films in a trilogy. If the first or even second film in a series has won critical acclaim, the pressure is on to repeat the success with the concluding chapter. But it has been done several times. Continue reading
From filmmaker Zack Snyder (300, Zack Snyder's Justice League), ARMY OF THE DEAD takes place following a zombie outbreak that has left Las Vegas in ruins and walled off from the rest of the world. Continue reading
With the upcoming release of A Quiet Place II, we take a look at the ten best alien invasion films released so far. The premise of an alien invasion film is quite simple. Aliens invade Earth, or are attempting to do so and the protagonists of the film are either trying to stop them or just survive. Continue reading
Following the runaway, yet totally unexpected, success of Friday the 13th in 1980, producers were eager to make a sequel to a low budget horror flick. Just shy of a year after vengeful murderess Pamela Voorhees had her head severed in the closing moments of the first film, Friday the 13th Part 2 arrived in theaters May 1, 1981. Filmmakers faced a quandary from the outset, with almost the entirety of the original cast cinematically dead, including the main antagonist, Betsy Palmers aforementioned Mrs. Continue reading
Photo: Underrated Movies, The Nice Guys and Ad Astra Subheading: There is not a year that passes that excellent films are released and underperform at the box office. Whether it be due to a poor marketing campaign or an unfortunate release date next to a big blockbuster, sometimes the best films of the year go mostly unnoticed by audiences even when critically they are acclaimed. Continue reading
Bateman's 2019 tape really showcases his athleticism and what he's capable of in terms of winning down the field as well as after the catch. Continue reading