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We dont live to drain, we drain to live. Photo: Russ Martin/FX Spoilers ahead for the season-three finale of What We Do in the Shadows. Continue reading
Vampire bats have an unusual, blood-only diet that's high in protein but lacking in other nutrients. Continue reading
Photo-Illustration: Vulture; Photo by NBC Either the words vampire au ao3 mean nothing to you or you are sick in the head. Continue reading
Mysterious and threatening wedding invites are blanketing the landscape of Innistrad, in Magic the Gatherings new set Innistrad: Crimson Vow. With previews starting todayand the MTG Arena release on November 11th preceding the full tabletop release on November 19ththe midnight hour is close at hand Continue reading
A little hydrogen peroxide will get that right out. Continue reading
Sink your teeth into this. Photo: Tri-Star Tv/Kobal/Shutterstock In the early-to-mid-90s, no one pretended cop shows had to resemble reality. Instead, major networks produced shows like Cop Rock, a jaw-droppingly strange singing procedural, and Moloney, about a cop whos also a shrink. Continue reading
8. The Half-Vampire Wesley (Wesley Snipes) The Vampiric Council is positively full of vampiric A-listers from Tilda (as in Tilda Swinton), Paul (Paul Reubens), and even an unseen Kiefer. Continue reading
Jason Patric and Corey Haim, letting that last line sink in at the end of The Lost Boys. Photo: Warner Bros. As the quintessential vampire movie of the MTV generation, The Lost Boys has a great deal to offer: the sounds of INXS and Echo & the Bunnymen, Kiefer Sutherland looking sexy-scary even though hes sporting a mullet, the first appearance of both Coreys in recorded film history, and Tina Turners saxophone guy tearing it up on a Californiaboardwalk stage. Continue reading
A study has revealed the secret eating habits of vampire bats and how they often eat with friend groups. Continue reading
From folkloric figures likeLamiaandGrendelwho feast on human flesh, to historical monsters likeVlad the ImpalerandElizabeth Bthorywho reveled in human blood and carnage, to Bram Stokers legendary Dracula, the antecedents to the modern vampire have instilled fear and morbid fascination for centuries. Especially during periods of social devastation, imperial conquest, plague, and mass death, vampires and vampiric figures have featured prominently in popular imagination. In every case, the cultural phenomenon of the vampire reveals much about the time, place, and people from which it emergedand the persistent relevance and adaptability of the vampire allegory likewise reveals much about the evolution of human society and its timeless struggle to come to terms with death. Continue reading