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What is this? Draluc is a vampire who is feared as he is rumored to be invincible. The vampire hunter Ronaldo goes to Draluc's castle after hearing that Draluc has kidnapped a child Continue reading
Feckless is a word that became popular sometime in 2018, when we were trapped in the dark heart of the previous administration. It's a simple word that could be applicable to anyone in the 45th Oval Office occupant's inner circle because it can mean weak and ineffective, or worthless and irresponsible Continue reading
CHICAGO, Sept. Continue reading
Julie Plec is an American television producer, writer, and director known for The Vampire Diaries and its spinoff shows, The OriginalsandLegacies. Plec is working on on a new vampire product, an adaptation of the book seriesVampire Academy by Richelle Mead (a series I absolutely read as a teenager) for NBCs Peacock streaming service. Playing the shows lead, Rose Hathaway, is Sisi Stringer (Mortal Kombat) Continue reading
The World of Darkness is a terrifying place where monsters roam the streets, and fans of the LA By Night streaming series wait for well over a dang year for the final season to premiere. Well, joy of joys: its finally here! The last season of the current LA By Night chronicle airs on Friday, 3 September at 8PM PST (thats today if youre reading this hot off the press). LA By Night, for those unfamiliar, is a streaming show set in the World of Darkness Continue reading
Essentially, then, social vampires are those people who are forever waiting to talk about themselves. Who derail entire conversations with unrelated anecdotes, who dont listen to anything anyone else is saying, and who talk and talk and talk without drawing breath. Continue reading
The latest video game entry in the Vampire: The Masquerade franchise, titled Bloodhunt, has received a great deal of backlash from fans. Specifically, many are critical of how Sharkmob's offering is turning the tabletop RPG into an action-oriented multiplayer shooter, akin to Call of Duty: Warzone. Newsweek recently spoke to the developers about this controversial decision, with the team explaining why they chose to make a battle royale in the first place. Continue reading
What I can tease about it is that we care about character, it's very important for me, and character is something that... I don't think of genre, I think of character, and where our character has to go is gonna be really important Continue reading
What do Little Women and Pirates of the Caribbean have in common? Yes, both are historical movies with a distinctive flair due to their costume and prop design. Continue reading
I recently came across this 2002 Playbill interview with songwriter Jim Steinman, who passed away earlier this year. The conversation was mostly about his then-upcoming Broadway flop, Dance of the Vampires, which oddly included the Steinway-penned Bonnie Tyler hit, "Total Eclipse of the Heart." Why include an 80s love ballad in your vampire musical? Continue reading