10 Best Action Horror Games (According To Metacritic) – GameRant

The action horror genre allows players to get scared while still maintaining control over situations, and these are the best of such titles.

With games surrounding zombies, monsters, and other things that go bump in the night, it's no surprise that the horror genre has been a clear and present entity in the realm of gaming since the days of the NES. Searching through dark and strange virtual environments waiting for something to yell boo is a good gimmick, but it's not exactly the most fun.

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What about those games with the gruesome, gory monsters where the player isn't totally helpless? As popular as the survival-horror genre can be for some, it's nothing compared to games where the monsters aren't the ones that should be afraid of you.

Replace Kratos and the Greek pantheon inGod of Warwith a Templar knight and beings from the Christian afterlife and the result isDante's Inferno.It's been said before, butDante's Infernoisn't just aGod of Warclone... it's an awesomeGod of Warclone. Not only is the game packed with armies of demons to decimate, but some of the most terrifying visual representations of Hell and damnation ever created. It's certainly not for the easily squeamish.

The movie was a bomb, but the game was a surprisingly fun experience from Wayforward studios. As a nameless Prodigium agent, the player embarks on this mummy-focused Metroidvania against the forces of Amunet.

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So maybe swords and daggers aren't everyone's thing, and maybe the vampire-infested castle is a bit on the nose. That's all fine and dandy, but no gamer can resist pumping a legion of the undead full of bullets.

From the creator of the previously mentioned series comesThe Evil Within.A masterpiece it might not be, but it definitely has a healthy mix of survival and action behind its gory locks. Every bullet counts and every corner is crawling with fiendish freaks. With notes of the originalResident Eviltitles along with nods toSaw, Hellraiser,and even a touch ofTexas Chainsaw Massacre,it's like a trail mix of horror games that will give any gamer nightmares.

Resident Evilis a pillar of the survival-horror genre, but it's the fourth entry in the franchise that puts a smile on any horror buff's face. It's not exactly what one would call a serious and stoic affair, but like a horror movie that knows it's a horror movie.

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There's a plot to rescue the president's daughter, an evil cult led by a knockoff napoleon, and the standard-issue masked maniac with a chainsaw to go that extra mile. Players are going to need all the bullets and one-liners to get through this game.

It's definitely not the most polished game in the world, but it's perhaps one of the most fun on our list. A tropical paradise crawling with legions of infected zombies practically screams perfect horror setup. With an engaging RPG system and a focus on melee combat rather than going in guns blazing, it's certainly worth at least one playthrough or two. Be warned, the action and mindless zombie bashing are quite addictive.

Yes, this is indeed one of the biggest survival horror-games out there, but how many games in that genre have the construction of a Xenomorph-destroying weapon?

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It might have one of the deadliest enemies in all of gaming, but Amanda Ripley is anything but a damsel in distress. Like her mother before her, she goes toe-to-toe with the galaxy's perfect predator in true Ridley Scott fashion.

The original series will always be classic, but the remake and its sequel are a pair of gruesome and gory good times. Not to mention that players feel like a one-man army behind the helmet of the Doom Slayer. He might be just as deadly as the legions of demons and undead he faces, but some of these hellspawn horrors are absolutely terrifying. Fortunately, there's more than one way to skin a cat in this game. Better get that chainsaw ready...

If the previous title wasn't scary enough, this gruesome outing on theUSG Ishimurawill certainly scratch that itch. One Xenomorph is bad enough, but an entire space-station full of flesh-eating Necromorphs? No wonder Issac needs a fully-loaded arsenal to protect himself. And the icing on top of the already blood-soaked cake? These things don't go down in just a barrage of bullets... It takes pure, quick, and messy dismemberment and mutilation.

No, there's nothing overtly scary in this classic title. But there's no doubt that this is, despite its action-platform elements, a horror game.It literally takes place in Dracula's castle, features every type of horror monster imaginable, and is positively soaked to the bone with Gothic imagery. Ghosts, skeletons, werewolves, and vampires are as classic to the genre as they come, why wouldn't players want to rip them to shreds?

The original 2K masterpiece was definitely one of the most stylistic and story-focused FPS titles in existence. For those who think shooters are nothing more than bullets and blood, ask them if they would kindly giveBioShocka try. Though it relies on more sci-fi than horror elements, how can one look at those Splicers and Little Sisters and not get just the least bit freaked out? And does Big Daddy himself even need to be mentioned?

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10 Best Action Horror Games (According To Metacritic) - GameRant

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