Cape Cod best bets: art, poetry, song and activism – Cape Cod Times

Week's highlights include artists painting in Osterville and the start of virtual Tales of Cape Cod programs.


Artists to paint around Osterville

Osterville Village Library will host its second annual Plein Air program with 25 local artists painting in the open air around the village. An auction of their work will follow. The open-air event will follow social-distancing guidelines. An online auction of Osterville and Cape Cod artwork is also tied into the event at

When: 10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Saturday; auction from 4:15 to 5 p.m.

Where: various locations in Osterville

Information: 508-428-5757 or


Library hosts kids music program

The Hyannis Public Library will present singer-storyteller Davis Bates in Imagine That! A Summer Reading Song & Story Celebration. The live event is interactive and families are encouraged to join in.

When: 11 a.m. Monday

Where: Facebook Live @HyPubLib

Cost: Free


Live show spotlights womens suffrage leader

A virtual Tales of Cape Cod program will mark the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment to allow women to vote. I Now Pronounce You, Lucy Stone, is an hour-long, live-streamed, one-woman History at Play production. Starring will be Judith Kalaora as the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a college degree, a fierce abolitionist, and womens rights activist. A live Q&A will follow.

When: 7:30 p.m. Monday

Where: on Zoom

Tickets: $10

Reservations: (will get Zoom link upon payment)


Larkin to join with inspirational poets

Singer/songwriter Patty Larkin will perform a virtual Bird in a Cage concert hosted by Marie Howe and featuring poets whose work was the basis of her Larkin's Bird in a Cage CD. The Fine Arts Work Center virtual event will feature readings by fellows and faculty members Howe (also a trustee) and Nick Flynn; faculty member Robert Pinsky; and Kelle Groom.

When: 6 p.m. Tuesday

Where: On Zoom

Cost: $25

Reservations and information:


Animals return to family show

The Amazing Animal Ambassadors show will return to the newly reopened Cape Cod Museum of Natural History in Brewster, with local captive-wildlife care expert Bethany Jakubson showing children wild animals up close. Among them: Boomerang the Kookaburra, Dracula the Great Horned Owl, Milo the Fennec Fox, Cypress the Tenrec and Buttercup, the baby skunk. Also on display will be smaller reptiles and insects.

When: 9:30 a.m. Tuesday

Where: Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, 869 Main St. (Route 6A), Brewster

COVID-19 restrictions: All participants must be ages 3 and up, wear face masks inside the museum and remain six feet apart.

Admission: $15 (space is limited)

Reservations online only:

Information: 508-896-3867, ext. 133


The relevance today of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.s words in his 1963 Letter From Birmingham Jail will be the focus of a four-week discussion series on Zoom,, starting Wednesday, sponsored by the Saint Barnabas Memorial Episcopal Church in East Falmouth. King, organizers say, wrote in the tradition of the prophets, calling out the injustices of the land and exhorting people to speak up for what is right, to take action against evil. Saint Barnabas rector the Rev. W. (Will) H. Mebane says the struggle for racial equality continues and the series will provide individuals and groups encouragement, resources and courses of action to follow as part of the Black Lives Matter movement responding to present-day systemic racism.

When: 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday (and July 22, 29 and Aug. 5)

Where: Via Zoom

Registration and information:

Compiled by Kathi Scrizzi Driscoll

Cape Cod best bets: art, poetry, song and activism - Cape Cod Times

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