Here’s Where You Can Sample 300 Garlic-Inspired Foods In One Place – Mashed

According to FOX 26 News, free garlic ice cream is one of the many food options.A reporter sporting a puffy garlic hat spoke with the organizer, Peter De Young, who said attendees were welcome to try garlic beer. Presumably, that welcome didn't extend to the gaggle of people dressed like Dracula who sported anti-garlic protest signs. De Young also mentioned that there would be five bars and just as many music stages. In addition to musicians, the festival boasts famous names in food. Among them isMartin Yan, who has spent decades cooking in front of the camera. Yan sharedin a pre-festival interview that he's an avid garlic eater who uses the ingredient in breakfast lunch, and dinner (via YouTube). Also on the list of celebs isRocco DiSpirito, who promoted the event on Twitter. Even Colonel Sanders himself, Mario Lopez, decided to come.

The press releasealso mentioned a plan to transform a local theater into a kitchen stadium, so you can keep your fingers crossed that there will be an epic story about an "Iron Chef"-style cooking challenge that made each competitor use garlic creatively. The presenters also want to do a bit of good with the festival and have invited healthcare workers to the events for free. Perhaps the only way the event could be more garlicky is if it had fallen on National Garlic Day, which actually lands on April 19, per National Day Calendar.

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Here's Where You Can Sample 300 Garlic-Inspired Foods In One Place - Mashed

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