Netflix Dracula connects with Sherlock Holmes (but not the BBC version) – NewsDio

Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss " Dracula has been out for a couple of weeks on the BBC and a week or so on Netflix, so fans of the other two series of the showrunning duo Doctor who Y Sherlock I have had time to analyze the three episodes of feature films that make up his new version of the horror classic so far. And those same fans may have noticed the winks to both hidden shows in the first episode of Dracula

As discussed above, there is an ingenious Easter egg that refers to Jenna Coleman's Clara from Doctor who in an early scene of episode 1, entitled "The rules of the beast." Later in the same story, there is another intriguing line that will capture the attention of fans. When Agatha Van Helsing explains how she located and took Jonathan Harker's fiancee, Mina, to her convent in Budapest to see him, she says she has a "well-known detective in London" who helped her.

Given Clara's connection, I speculated earlier that this is not a nod to the obvious character and is in fact talking about WhoMadame Vastra But, as ScreenRant points out, this is more likely to be an Easter egg for the only Sherlock Holmes. Mainly because it fits perfectly into the life story of the Great Detective.

This episode takes place in 1897. During this period, Holmes would have been operational in London and, therefore, could have helped Agatha. What's more, there is even a way that the couple has met. In 1891, Holmes faked his death in Switzerland and it is known that he traveled through Europe before returning to England three years later. Then, he could have become friends with the vampire-hunting nun in Hungary during this same period.

Obviously, however, we are not talking about the Holmes of Benedict Cumberbatch. Or is that it? Remember, SherlockThe strangest episode, "The Abominable Bride," suggested that the modern set series was a drug-induced hallucination of the original Victorian character. So maybe Dracula takes place simultaneously both in the Doctor who Y Sherlock universes?

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Netflix Dracula connects with Sherlock Holmes (but not the BBC version) - NewsDio

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