The Role of Vampires and Dracula in King In Black #5 (Spoilers) – Bleeding Cool News

The finale of The King In Black is out this week. Issue 5 has been delayed for some time, but it is finally here. It should be no surprise that Knull and his symbiote slaves will be defeated a number of comics have been telling of a post-KIB time, though rather shy of detail.

The finale of The King In Black #4 showed the God of Light making their way onto the scene, the host-hopping Captain Universe, who also takes people as their host in order to help others. One symbiote god versus another?

But Bleeding Cool gets the word that also joining the fray will be vampires. The Vampire Nation of the Marvel Universe pops up every now and then. At one point, during the rise of the Twilight movies, David Gabriel at Marvel Comics made X-Men vs Vampires thing happen, that left Jubillee as a vampire, and they have recently returned in Wolverine, with Dracula trying to get Wolverine's E-type blood to create daywalker vampires. Dracula has also appeared in the Avengers, with his own plans alongside the World's Greatest Villains working for Mephisto also taking root.

But Knull could be the greatest threat to vampires of all. Even though blotting out the sun might be beneficial to vampires, taking away their foodstuff and wrapping them in symbiotes isn't as welcome.

And so Bleeding Cool learns in King In Black #5, the vampires come to the heroes aid to help defeat Knull? And what thanks do they get? Well, what kind of thanks do you think Blade of the Avengers will deliver? It's all very Rorschach-like. What demands will the Vampire Nation demand in return? Here's a King In Black #5 preview

KING IN BLACK #5 (OF 5)MARVEL COMICSJAN210521(W) Donny Cates (A/CA) Ryan StegmanWHAT'S A GOD TO A NONBELIEVER?Rated T+In Shops: Apr 07, 2021SRP: $5.99

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.

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The Role of Vampires and Dracula in King In Black #5 (Spoilers) - Bleeding Cool News

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