Was Keanu Reeves Really That Bad in DRACULA? – Dread Central

Welcome to another entry into Was It Really That Bad?, the series dedicated to defending much maligned films and performances. Last time, I told you guys why I think M. Night Shyamalans The Village (2004) is actually quite a good film. People love to hate on it, but I rather like it. A similar thing happens to Cyberpunk 2077s favorite character actor and his role as Jonathan Harker in Francis Ford Coppolas Dracula (1992). But I think there are some redeeming facets to his performance! So, with the film hitting Shudder earlier this month, lets settle this: Was Keanu Reeves Really That Bad in Dracula?

Ill be the first to admit that Keanu Reeves British accent is as believeable as mine would be (spoiler: Im Hispanic). While talking about this very article with other Dread Central team members, they argued that Reeves was basically playing a slighty Britanized version of Ted from Bill and Ted, Keanus biggest role up until that point.

I, however, feel like Keanu just played Keanu in Bill and Ted, and therefore, he plays a Britanized Keanu in Dracula. At any rate, its hard to argue against people who hate the accent, because its simply laughable. So, if were to answer the question Was Keanu Reeves Really That Bad in Dracula? just on this alone, the answer would be a resounding affirmative. However

Now, Im a huge fan of Gary Oldman and Wynona Riders performance in Dracula. But having revisited the film for this piece, I realized that the whole cast play their parts with all of the subtletly of a jackhammer. I have nothing against theatrics and histrionics, but I think a lot of us forget the context against which Keanus performance is being played.

And thats the key: context. This isnt Fullers Hannibal, where performances are masterfully subdued. This is pomp and circumstane at the higest Wagnerian level. Its just ridiculous by modern filmmaking standards. And I know that people spoke differently back then, but this is just too much. So, yes, Reeves accent is a bit crap. But The other performances are incredibly overdone, so its not really as out of place as I remembered it. Just listen to Hopkins Ja as Van Helsing. Hilarious!

As I mentioned before, Ill freely admit that Reeves accent while acting in a scene is not great. But I was actually very surprised at how solid it was during most voice-over portions. As we know, Dracula is written from the perspective of diary entries (the original found footage horror film).

When Keanu goes to the sound booth, its actually a lot more bearable. Its far from a Patrick Stewart performance, sure, but its not that bad. Its a low bar, but it exceeds it nonetheless.

My favorite part of Keanu as Harker is, actually, the subtext. He plays his role like hes fumbling through it. And thats actually how Harkers character behaves in the book. I dont see a solid, knowing, mature man. When I read Dracula, I see Harker as a young guy who is way over his head.

I feel like Keanus performance, crappy accent and all, lends a lot of credibility to this subtext. To me, it makes it even more obvious that Jonathan is a man-child, an endearing fool, not some hotshot lawyer. Am I reaching for straws? Perhaps. But art is in the eye of the beholder, and to me, even the accent contributes to Harker feeling like hes just playing the part of a lawyer. Hes just a child inside.

I mean, it wasnt his best performance. But I dont think its as bad as people remember it. Context matters in film. His performance wasnt delivered among a sea of subtlety. It was paired with the horniest (bordering on rapey), most over-acted portrayal of the source material in some time. Just look at Gary Oldmans glasses and tell me that this movie wasnt all about the theater of it.

At the end of the day, you may like it, you may hate it. But before you talk about it next time, re-visit Keanus performance in the film. Watch it as a part of a whole. Take Harkers own personality into the equation. You may be surprised yet.

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Was Keanu Reeves Really That Bad in DRACULA? - Dread Central

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