World of Warcraft Shadowlands Black Market Location – Attack of the Fanboy

The Black Market in World of Warcraft Shadowlands is where old, hard to obtain, or outright removed content can be bought at exorbitant prices. Each item that appears is sold by an NPC, and is only available for a day. Those looking to grab items they may have missed out on should poke their heads in daily, but it helps to know where the Black Market is first.

We may have crossed over into Azeroths Great Beyond, but that hasnt stopped the Black Market from making an appearance in Shadowlands. The Black Market is located in the Night Market, an area in the Bloodborne-meets-Dracula zone of Revendreth.

The Night Market, and by proxy the Black Market, is directly south of the Wanecrypt Hill flightpoint in the Grove of Terror. Its the southern-most peninsula on the map. Here youll find a food vendor, a barterer, an Infused Ruby vendor, and a cosmetic vendor that trades in Anima. Im not a huge fan of the cosmetics on offer, but Im sure someone reading this will be, so be sure to give them a peak.

At the back of the Night Market in a sinking house is the Black Market vendor, a Broker by the name of Taxera. Venthyr players will become very familiar with her, since shes where theyll turn in all their random quest-items that drop in the zone. As for everyone else, shes who you talk to to open the Black Market.

The Black Market is where hard to find, removed, or even items from old promotions can be bought, but theres no buyout option. You are bidding against everyone involved, so while some items may seem like a steal theres always a chance for them to reach seven-figure prices. The rarer the item the higher the bids will go. Each auction lasts a day, so be sure to check-in on your bids before signing off for the day.


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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Black Market Location - Attack of the Fanboy

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