19 Horror Movie Sequels So Incredibly Bad That They Make The … – GameSpot

Even the best horror movies of all time can be dragged through the dirt by a poor sequel. We all love the original Halloween movie, but by the time it got to the Cult of Thorn, the franchise had obviously lost its way. Freddy Krueger was a menacing killer in A Nightmare on Elm Street, but he eventually evolved into a bad stand-up comedian delivering jokes about using a Nintendo Power Glove while taunting teenagers.

Bad sequels are one of the biggest tropes of the horror genre. It's simple to understand why. After all, horror movies are usually pretty cheap to make. If one is a big office hit, studios want to pump out as many as possible, as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the installments that follow have a hard time living up to the original--even if the original wasn't very good.

We took a trip through horror history to find the 11 absolute worst horror movie sequels of all time. Narrowing it down to 11 was hard, but there is practically nothing to love about these movies. Yet, still, chances are you've seen most of them. Who among us hasn't watched Jason Takes Manhattan or Jaws 3D, if only to laugh at how comically bad it is?

Take a look at the 19 worst horror movie sequels below, then sound off in the comments with the ones you love to hate.

See the rest here:
19 Horror Movie Sequels So Incredibly Bad That They Make The ... - GameSpot

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