Horror Movies & Films on DVD and Blu-Ray

Horror Movies from

Monsters, villains, supernatural forces, and psychotic madmen pursue their twisted goals with ruthless determination, while innocent bystanders pay the ultimate price. Theres something about the combination of fun scares, excitement, and suspense that makes watching horror movies different than films from other genres. From creature features to modern psychological horror movies, the sheer variety of the genre means theres something to thrill and captivate all types of viewers.

At, we offer a complete selection of horror movies in a variety of genres, including classics from legendary directors like Alfred Hitchcock, David Cronenberg, John Carpenter, and George Romero. Classic horror movies from the silent film era pioneered the use of elaborate makeup and special effects to capture the imaginations of the audience, and terrify them with the grim visage of monsters like Nosferatu, Frankenstein, and the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera. As production techniques evolved, filmmakers thrilled moviegoers with increasingly frightening themes and villains. You can use our helpful product filters to find horror movies from your favorite eras. Simply choose the subgenres, directors, and actors you prefer, and well create a list of products that match your criteria.

The 1950s marked the era of the campy creature feature, which often relied on irradiated, super-sized mutants ravaging an unsuspecting group of campers. By the 1970s, horror movie directors were focusing on psychological thrills and supernatural occurrences in genre-defining classics like The Exorcist. Dark and graphic themes continued to evolve during the 1980s heyday of slasher films that often pitted psychotic killers against a group of bumbling teenage partygoers. Modern horror movies combine elements from throughout the history of the genre to produce thoughtful, intense, and thoroughly scary films.

You can find horror movies on DVD and Blu-ray, as well as digital download (with some even including a Digital HD with Ultraviolet copy, as well!), so no matter how you prefer to watch horror movies, our selection is sure to include all your favorites. Our wide selection of horror movies includes fan favorites, new releases, and hundreds of obscure and hard to find titles. You can quickly search and filter your results to narrow down your choices, and many films are even eligible for free shipping straight to your door.

If your idea of a great movie night includes gripping the armrests of the chair and leaving the lights on when you go to bed, browse our selection of horror movies to find films that are frightfully perfect for you.

Original post: Horror Movies & Films on DVD and Blu-Ray

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