‘Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes’: More than scares – AIPT

Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes is an horror movie that is unafraid to test audiences. The plot follows a woman named Margo who has inherited a castle. When she and her husband Dieter go to inspect the place, their relationship is put to the test. Space, time, and even the narrative continue to shift in a way that does not always get it right, but still knows what it is trying to do.

Even as arthouse horror goes, this is one of the most original looking films of the year. The homage to European horror of decades past is clear, but Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyesis more than a love letter to the 1960s. There is style to spare here as the production becomes a feast for the eyes and ears. It is almost too much to take it at times.

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The story takes a backseat to everything else. Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes touches on treacherous men and relationships, but there is not much else. The characters are one dimensional and even the scares have little weight behind them. This is a film that is more about individual experiences. Never has style over substance been embraced more tightly.

Which is not to say that it does not work. Director Kevin Kopacka keeps things short, so the movie does not have a chance to wear out its welcome. Its visuals are so striking that it is impossible to stop watching. It gets very confusing, but Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes will impress fans of strange genre films.

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'Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes': More than scares - AIPT

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