Good News: Get Out Was Just the Beginning of Jordan Peele’s Horror Movie Career – GQ Magazine

He's got a whole bunch planned.

Jordan Peele, our new favorite horror auteur, is having the time of his life right now. His film debut, the flawless Get Out, is an instant horror classic that recalls a ton of influences while forging its own contemporary path, both thematically and narratively. I've seen it twice already (the ideal number of times being somewhere upwards of five) and, make no mistake, it'll be discussed for years. If you haven't already (which, what???), go see it.

Thankfully and perhaps predictably, this is just the beginning for Peele, who has very quickly transitioned from a beloved comedy star to one of the most exciting filmmakers in the world, full stop. Speaking with Business Insider, Peele laid out his plans for four more horror films over the next ten years, all of which, like Get Out, will deal with "social demons":

"I have four other social thrillers that I want to unveil in the next decade. The best and scariest monsters in the world are human beings and what we are capable of especially when we get together. I've been working on these premises about these different social demons, these innately human monsters that are woven into the fabric of how we think and how we interact, and each one of my movies is going to be about a different one of these social demons."

This, bluntly, is fucking great news. Alongside its surface-level effectiveness as a horror movie, Get Out is a deep, thoughtful film about racism in America across the social spectrumfrom undisguised hatred to the unwanted touch of an arm at a party. We're lucky we've got another four movies, presumably crafted with as much, if not more, skill and thought.

There's no word yet on Peele's next project yet, but please God, let's steer clear of a super-connected Peele-iverse? Get Out hits that perfect sweet spot of establishing a world and underlying mythology that could be mined for an entire franchise, but can, and should, be left to stand alone.

Anyway, get excited. Here's to the forthcoming Jordan Peele horror pentalogy. (I looked up what the "five" version of trilogy is. You're welcome.)


The rest is here:
Good News: Get Out Was Just the Beginning of Jordan Peele's Horror Movie Career - GQ Magazine

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