Horror Movies Recreated In Animal Crossing: Shining, Midsommar & More – Screen Rant

Animal Crossing New Horizons has allowed fans to get more creative than ever, turning their islands intoscenes from iconic horror movies. The franchise's dedicated following was ecstatic whenNew Horizons was released for Nintendo Switch on March 20th, 2020. Many have spent hours or even days at a time playing and breezing through milestones likeinstituting Blathers' museum, getting enough iron nuggets to build Timmy and Tommy's store, and reuniting with Isabelle.

Animal Crossing's new customization kits and design tools have allowed players to add something new to the game: scenes from their favorite horror movies. One player created a montage of scenes fromMidsommar. In one screencap, a character dressed in a white tunic and flower crown greeted visitors to Hlsingland, where the movie takes place. Another player,along with some friends, portrayed the cult members holding hands and playing in the fields and even reenacted Dani's crying scene. Some players used their in-game homes to recreateThe ShiningandThe Blair Witch Project. Another even broughtPortrait of a Lady on Firevibes to the virtual beach.

Related:Animal Crossing New Horizons: How To Unlock Isabelle

WhileAnimal Crossinghas been received with mostly overwhelmingly positive reviews, players' number one complaint involves the new local multiplayer features. While the game met its promise of allowing up to 8 players to inhabit one island, only one of those players, the island representative, has access to all of the game's features. Otherwise,Animal Crossingfans have been hooked on New Horizons and are coming up with more creative ways to play the game each day.

Next:Animal Crossing New Horizons: How to Attract More Villagers to Your Island

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Natalie Hunter is a Freelance Writer with a passion for all things entertainment from the latest Oscar-winning movie to reality TV trash. She has written for Her Campus, Sommet Dame, and Fabriqued in addition to co-hosting podcast Write N' Role. From acting to screenwriting to "screen ranting," she has worn nearly every hat in the entertainment industry. She also defines herself as half Aries, half cat.

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Horror Movies Recreated In Animal Crossing: Shining, Midsommar & More - Screen Rant

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