These horror movie-inspired bath bombs are truly killer – Alternative Press

[Photo by: [emailprotected]]

No one can argue that we love a good bath bomb as much as we love a good horror movie, and its now possible to get a bath bomb that happens to be inspired by our fave horror flicksand our bath routine will never be the same.

Retailer Porcelain Wolf is making our most beautiful nightmares a dream come true, and the results are actually amazing.

Take a peek at their horrifically beautiful creations below!

Read more: This skull bath bomb is a goth beauty dream come true

There is truly a bath bomb for every horror movie lover. Theres the JAWsome Jaws-inspired bath bomb that turns from a baby blue to a, er, blood bath right before your eyes. Theres the Attack, a green featuring lots of bitty black bats. And theres even the sparkly red It floats, just in time for the movie, It, that already has us sitting at the edge of our seats.

The bath bombs not only look cool, though. The brand doesnt test on animals, and the bath bombs are specifically designed not to stain the tub. The site says most bath bombs are slow releasing, meaning they dissolve in 6-8 minutes, rather than fizz out fast. Plus, some may be a blood bath and something straight out of a horror flick. Sign us up for one right now.

See some of their incredible creations below!

You can shop their bath bombs right now and have all your horror movie dreams come true.

So turn on your fave horror flick and let your horror movie-inspired bath bomb do the rest. While youre at it, find out your horror movie monster of choice by taking our quiz!

Will you be picking up a horror flick bath bomb? Let us know in the comments below!

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These horror movie-inspired bath bombs are truly killer - Alternative Press

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