What Happened To The Cast Of The Original The Amityville Horror? – Looper

At first hesitant to take the role, James Brolin eventually signed on to co-lead this film as George, the husband to Kathy and stepfather to her kids. Brolin is effective at showing how George gradually loses his mind; his "I'm coming apart!" scene continues to leave viewers with an uneasy, chilling feeling.

Already fairly well known at the time of this 1979 film for his roles in features like 1973's Westworld, Brolin afterward continued with his steady career. For the next 15 or so years, he frequently acted in leading roles, such as in Night of the Juggler and High Risk. Brolin directed multiple episodes of the television show Hotel before he made his film directorial debut with 1997'sMy Brother's War, in which he also starred. Hehas since directed a few made-for-television movies.

Later in his career, he shifted more into supporting roles, with films such as Catch Me If You Can, The Hunting Party, Burlesque, and, more recently, The 33. Still, leading or supporting, Brolin long ago established himself as one of the most recognizable actors in Hollywood. He's also the father of The Gooniesstar and Hollywood A-lister Josh Brolin.

What Happened To The Cast Of The Original The Amityville Horror? - Looper

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