Celebrating 2001 In Cinema: These Are The Movies That Turn 20 This Year – GameSpot

2001 was a completely bonkers year for movies. Here we celebrate some of our favorites--and some others as well.

It's hard to believe that 2001 was two decades ago--and not just because the last year has felt like two decades in and of itself. The early '00s are now officially in nostalgia territory and primed to give you an existential crisis about the passage of time. Thankfully, however, 2001 was a year with some truly incredible movie releases across all genres. From campy comedies like Wet Hot American Summer to the first Lord of The Rings movie, Hollywood was cranking out hits. Of course, there were also more than enough utterly regrettable movies to hit theaters, as well. But sometimes, even those have a special place in our hearts.

Unfortunately, it may be a while before we're all able to file into a theater and experience this sort of magic again here in the present--but after a year of quarantine practice, we're all mostly accustomed to the streaming service experience these days. And lucky for all of us, these 20-year-old movies are going to be easy enough to track down and re-watch, whenever and wherever you want.

So settle in and prepare to relive the feature films of your youth (or your teenage years, or your infancy) with 53 movies released in 2001. Let us know your favorites in the comments below.

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Celebrating 2001 In Cinema: These Are The Movies That Turn 20 This Year - GameSpot

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