Disney’s ‘Lilo & Stich,’ Is Going To Be Made Into A Live-Action Film! – mit inc

This year seems like the year of scary movies. Pretty much all Halloween events and parties have been cancelled thanks to the pandemic so whats better than staying home and watching a scary movie?

One of our favorites is definitely Scream. Sure, the franchise may have lost its way in the third and fourth installments, but theyve cemented themselves as not justiconic pieces of Halloween entertainmentbut also memorable movies in general.

You cant honestly say Ghostface doesnt creep you out a little bit! Helmed by horror icon Wes Craven, the Scream series launched in 1996 and saw four films andwill have a fifth in 2022. The movies, starring Neve Campbell, are exactly what we reach for every spooky season, but we bet you didnt know some of these fun facts about the franchise.

Before being calledScream, the project wascalledScary Movie, not to be confused with the parody movie that came out later. The movies new name was inspired byMichael Jackson andJanet Jacksons song Scream, released the year prior.

Drew Barrymoresaysthat caller ID use in the U.S. tripled after Scream was released in 1996 and she would know, because her character mightve survived past 10 minutes if she had it.

While filming the opening scene of the first movie,Drew Barrymore, who plays Casey, keptaccidentally dialing the real 911because someone on the props team actually forgot to unplug the phone before filming. Who would of thought theyd actually be using real phones to begin with?

In a tweet, Arquette says that he has behind the scenes footage of the final scene in the movie and that he was actually supposed to be killed in the original script. But we all know that isnt what happened and weve come to love him appearing in each of the films.

As a result, Arquette has now reprised his role of Dewey Riley across four Scream films and will do so again in the fifth thats filming now. Whats worse, he says people to this day still refer to him as Doofy, or his character from the Scream parodies Scary Movie.

Although weve all come to love Neve Campbell in the Scream series in fact, it wouldnt be the same without her she wasnt the only actress up for the role. There were several big-name actors being considered, including everyone from Melissa Joan Hart and Brittany Murphy to Tori Spelling and Drew Barrymore. The latter actually landed the role but due to scheduling conflicts decided to pull out and was offered the smaller role of Casey.

David Arquette said in a tweet that director Craven paid such close attention to details that he asks many of the people in the cast to wear black boots to lend to the suspicion that any character could be the killer.

Jada Pinkett Smithmet her untimely end early on inScream 2 and she asked for it. I remember saying to the director at the time, I want to die the most horrific deaththat has ever happened in a horror film,' she toldPeople. Director Wes Craven delivered, and Pinkett Smith was grandly offed.

Sadly,Scream 5will be the first in the seriesnot directed by Wes Craven, the mastermind behindA Nightmare on Elm Streetand others, as hepassed away in 2015 due to brain cancer. However, there is reason to celebrate his successors,Matthew Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett(collectively referred to as Radio Silence). The filmmakers earned attention from genre fans for their segments in anthologiesV/H/SandSouthbound, but more recently turned a lot of heads directing their sophomore feature-length effort, 2019shorror-comedy hitReady or Not.

However, David Arquette, Neve Campbell, and Courtney Cox are all set to return to Woodsboro in their original roles.

Filming has already started but it looks like well have to wait until January 2022 to be able to actually see the movie.

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Disney's 'Lilo & Stich,' Is Going To Be Made Into A Live-Action Film! - mit inc

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