Snatch And 9 Other Movies That Turn 20 Years Old In 2020 – Screen Rant

The year 2000 might not feel that far away now, but what memorable movies from the year 2000 are turning two decades old this year?

Though 2000 doesnt actually seem that long ago,the world is now 20 years removed from the turn of the century, and there are a ton of movies from that era that have aged incredibly well. But there are also others that have aged like milk.

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Whether the movies are good or bad, these films have had a major influence on the movie industry that can still be seen today. Whether its the approach to developing superhero movies, huge action set pieces, or even the endless parade of spoof movies, these classics were some of the biggest or most important movies of the year 2000.

Though it inspired one of the most criticized TV shows of the past few years, the first adaptation of the Nick Hornby novel of the same name has become a classic.

High Fidelityfollows a passionate record store owner who wants to start a record label while, at the same time, is trying to understand why all of his past relationships didnt work out. For any music fan, the movie is a joy to watch due to all of the hidden references to niche indie bands, and its one ofthe best movies that breaks the fourth wall.

Though the movie has just turned20 years old, American Psycho was actuallypossibly being made years before hand, as David Cronenberg had planned to direct it back in 1992.

However, in the hands of Mary Harron, though there are alot of differences between the book and the movie,the adaptation of the 1991 novel of the same name has become one of the most iconic slasher flicks of all time.

Being one of the best swords and sandals movies of the 21st century, Ridley Scott brought a new direction to the genre withGladiator. Based on the 1958 book Those About To Die, the movie stars Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix in his breakout role, and the historical epic went on to win five Academy Awards.

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Though the movie has been questioned for its historical authenticity, its one of most beautiful movies of the 21st century and features some of the best set and costume design of all time.

For as silly and ridiculous as the movie is, Scary Movies premise is unprecedented. The movie isa satire of Scream, which was already a satire itself, so being a satire of a satire, the movies target audience seems niche on paper.

But by parodying some of the most iconic horror movies of all time, including I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Sixth Sense, and The Shining, it was a huge success with general audiences and is one of the most successful parody movies ever made.

X-Menhas had a rough history of uneven movies with inconsistent timelines, but the first movie in the franchise was a big moment in 2000, as it was the first comic book movie to tackle the source material with a sense of maturity.

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Though there were a lot of actors also considered for the part, X-Men is responsible for turning Hugh Jackman in to the movie star that he is today, and his performance as Wolverine is one of the roles that will be almost impossible for 20th Century Studios to ever replace.

Surprisingly one of the best comedies of all time, Guy Ritchies effort following Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels saw him delve even deeper in to the world of cartoonish but hyper-violent British gangs.

After having caught the attention of Hollywood with Lock, Stock,movie stars were eager to work with the director, and it resulted in Brad Pitts hilarious take on a bare-knuckle boxing Irish Traveller, which is whatSnatchis best known for.

Meet The Parentswas the catalyst for Robert De Niros transition in to family comedy movies. The movie used De Niros intimidating and gruff attitude to its advantage, whichled to one of the funniest scenes of the 21st century, the lie detector test.

Meet The Parents legacy has been continued through a bunch of mediums too, as not only has it become a billion dollar franchise, but it has also spawned two spin off TV shows.

Being a movie that very few people would ever watch more than once,Requiem For A Dreamstill firmly holds space in viewers memories 20 years later.

The movie is about a group of friends struggles with drug addiction and the things that they do to entertain those addictions. Its a horrific tale and a movie that is arguably scarier than any horror, as it represents real life struggles.

Before the disappointing 2019 reboot starring Kristen Stewart,Charlies Angelswas a big moment in 2000, as it was one of the first blockbuster movies with three female leads.

Though it was negatively received by critics and famously received half a star from Roger Ebert, the first Charlies Angels movie isa charming tongue in cheek comedy and, at the same time, features some impressive action sequences.

At the height of his powers, Jim Carrey was unstoppable and completely critic proof. How The Grinch Stole Christmas is one of the movies that was massively panned by critics, but it couldnt stop the movie from being one of the highest grossing flicksof 2000.

To this day, it remains one of the most viewed Christmas movies and one of Jim Careys most memorable roles.

NEXT:5 Romance Movies From The 2000s That Are Underrated (& 5 That Are Overrated)

Next MCU: The 10 Saddest Things About Spider-Man

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Snatch And 9 Other Movies That Turn 20 Years Old In 2020 - Screen Rant

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